Nice dvla cock up!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Tigcraft, Nov 15, 2016.

  1. capt

    capt Elite Member

    May 8, 2016
    western Australia
    Hi all, I once found $50. Note on the road ! But it was the way/circumstances that make it Notable. pun intended .., I went round to a mates place to help out major plumbing disaster, we went to get the parts required to fix the pipes it came to $30 more than he had, so I coffed up the dosh and job got done ! My mate didn't even have a beer in the fridge to say thanks for the help out . So the Wife and I head off home , motorway was the most direct but I went a different way, was a good choice!!! We were pulling up @ major intersection lots of cars everywhere, I saw something flutter across our lane as we approached the white line, so I told the missus open your door pick up the money!! She goes what money(short sighted) I said the money you will find outside ! Turned oout to be the $50 note, where it came from I wouldn't be able to guess, intersection was like a 5 or 6 way and huge ! Nearest foot path or anywhere anyone might have been able to pull out a wallet/purse to lose money was miles away ! So the next weekend went my mates and we had a BBQ thanks to the $50 found.... Sorted.
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  2. capt

    capt Elite Member

    May 8, 2016
    western Australia
    Sure did, if you like karma, same mate but a few months later ( we were both in the army ) we were getting transferred, he to another unit inter state me to another but still in Sydney. I had been screwed by my bank ( wouldn't loan me money ) so I changed Banks. I couldn't find my plastic key card on the day I cancelled my ANZ accounts. Went to WestPac. I went to my mates we were going to have a home cooked meal and few cheap drinks you know our goodbye's and see what the future brings ! We went down to the local shopping center to buy drinks, I opened my wallet and found my old ANZ card ! It was stuffed into the back of where I kept the wife's photo! So I pull it out stick it in the ATM. Balance enquiry. $310 in there. What the F@$k. So we had Chinese and top shelf from the bottleo !!!
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  3. vic26a

    vic26a Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2013
    A few years ago before shows such as flog it and storage wars were popular I used to go round charity shops looking for items I could sell on eBay , it was purely for a hobby if I got a profit that was a bonus . One time I walked into one and asked the old boy on the counter had he any toy cars for sale he raised his finger and tapped his brow as if thinking hard then wide eyed exclaimed oh yes there's an old suitcase in the back and ambled through to fetch it . He came back a minute later and laid the old case on the counter and asked are these of any use ? I tried to keep poker faced as I peered into a case which had an assortment of old cars trucks and tractors etc and noticed more than a few had dinky and corgi printed on them . Looks like a few are broke I said but how much you want for them ? ACH give me £3 an you can keep the case too he says . Couldn't believe it ! Over the next few weeks I sold them off on eBay for over £300 ! But sometimes wish I'd held onto a couple of them , they don't make toys like that anymore .
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  4. capt

    capt Elite Member

    May 8, 2016
    western Australia
    Yeah your right. The Banks fraud !! My accounts with them were closed about 3 months before this occurred, so accrued interest ??? On WHO's money !!
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  5. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    2 true stories here, 1st, this time last year soon after I lost a dog to liver complaint I was walkinhg another dog when I saw some thing 'odd' in the plied up wet leaves at the side of the path, I had to have a look, it was £100 semi rolled up, still dry so hadn't been there that long, WOW!!!! Could I believe my luck?
    I could not just accept it though, so I made inquiries around and about, and walked the other 3 dogs on the same tracks to see if any one was looking for it, could not find the owner so it went some way to paying off the vet bill, never in front but always keeping up!
    2nd, in the early 80's soon after getting married to my wife and her 2 young boys the boat company I worked for went bust a few months earlier so we both took Christmas posty jobs, pay was a god send but bloody cold, hard lomg hours, the regulars dumped the big rounds on the casuals like us, and we had a few bills too so most of the money went on them and the kids presents, not too much food, like turkey etc but we wouldn't have gone hungry.
    On Christmas eve it was all hands to the pumps, on my round I had a block of sea front flats, rich people, and one of them was owned by the owner of Burns car hire in Southend, he used to chat every morning as he had piles of post and parcels to get through his door, this morning he gave me £25 tip!!
    That was HUGE when you think we could easily get a weeks shopping with extra's and change for £20!
    To cap it off, my Mrs got dropped off on a very late round, in the dark, walking across a grassy green she accidentally kicked a rock,..............that seemed a bit soft................on closer examination it turned out to be a bloody great joint of PORK!!!!!
    Poor woman carried it round in her bag to the end of the round, no way was she going to loose that!!
    On to of that my Mrs used to take our (her) youngest round with her, the blokes in the depot had a wip round and gave him his very own first wage packet, complete in wages envelope!!
    He was chuffed to bits, his very own money, he was only about 8!
    Strange how some times things work out, innit!!:):cool:
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  6. MrOrange

    MrOrange Guest

    Following on from the Fiat Coupe post, I was working for a carpet fitter during my Student days. He owed me £150 for a few days work, but was not getting paid by the contractors, so said to me, that Escort van on my drive, won't tick over and stalls all the time, haven't got the money to pay a garage to look at it, how about I give you that instead of money as it's gotta be worth £200 even knackered !!!

    I agreed, drove it home, opened the bonnet turned the tickover up and it ran sweet as a nut !!! As I was doing this, my then girlfriend's uncle drove past and asked what i was doing with the van and did I want to sell it as his mate was desperate for one and couldn't find a cheap one! Told him I wanted a grand for it if he took it away today.

    Phoned his pal, he said he would be there in an hour. Got my mum to come out and helped clean all the crap out the back (you all know how works vans are stuffed with shite), washed it, she cleaned the interior and fella came round and gave me £1000 cash in my hand !!!!!
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  7. vic26a

    vic26a Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2013
    Hi mate yes luck is strange sometimes. Hope you done all the cooking after your wife carried that pork around with her?
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  8. vic26a

    vic26a Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2013
    Bloomin heck Mr O , no mercy there ! Hope mum got a good cut ?
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  9. stevethegoolie

    stevethegoolie Elite Member

    Oct 16, 2014
    East Riding of Yorkshire
    Don't be too hard on yourself, DD. Being a Jock or a Yorkshireman is not all it's cracked up to be.

    It is SOOOOOO MUCH BETTER!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::)
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  10. stevethegoolie

    stevethegoolie Elite Member

    Oct 16, 2014
    East Riding of Yorkshire
    Nah! That's rubbish, that is!o_O
    If it hits the back of the head it could bounce off and go anywhere.:eek:
    We are trained to quickly lie on our backs and wait with the palm of the hand open ready to receive the offending coin long before it ever gets anywhere near the ground!:p
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  11. stevethegoolie

    stevethegoolie Elite Member

    Oct 16, 2014
    East Riding of Yorkshire
    My pleasure!:)
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  12. Mark80

    Mark80 Member

    Nov 20, 2016
    Best I can do is buying two double Bacardi and cokes at an event in the late 90's with a twenty getting change for a twenty and the twenty back!!
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  13. Yorkshireman

    Yorkshireman Crème de la Crème

    Dec 12, 2015
    Good pal of mine used to own a motor garage. A friend of his started work building a replica "C" type jaguar. He was an aerospace engineer and the quality of the aluminium interior has to be seen to be believed. The original builder died and the car passed to another of his friends. He got fed up and asked my pal if he wanted to buy it. It was a rolling chassis, engine had been professionally refurbed and all he wanted was to recoup his outlay for the engine. How much do you want said my pal, £5000 was the reply. So my pal spends about £3000 or so finishing the car off and it's now insured for an agreed £80,000.
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