Nearly Toast Twice in one day ..are car drivers getting worse?

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by Dougie D, Aug 17, 2016.

  1. Dougie D

    Dougie D Crème de la Crème

    Jan 30, 2016
    Blairgowrie Perthshire
    Fekin Edgit Bampot car drivers :mad::mad::mad: I'm sure they are getting worse ,both incidents happened in Dundee the first car pulled out in front of me and i managed to break in time as i had my eye on her and you kinda get a feeling when someones going to pull out, but the 2nd time i was about 10ft from the car when it pulled out,everything went in slow motion and i remember thinking there's no point in braking i have to swerve :eek::eek::eek:.. luckily there was nothing coming the other direction otherwise it would have got messy,once i stopped and composed myself the car had made a quick getaway,i was going to turn around and chase after it and give him/her a ballocking but by then i was to late :(
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  2. crispey

    crispey crispey creme de la creme

    Nov 6, 2014
    You're not alone! Today I had 2 pull out on me on a roundabout, 1 of which I'm sure looked me straight in the eye before doing so!
    Then I had a vw campervan pull out of a layby just as I was coming along side. Stationary not indicating and just went for it. I had started to think motorists were more bike aware than 20 years ago but I think I could be wrong!
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  3. Victor

    Victor Active Member

    Jul 26, 2015
    North Wales
    I have a bright red Volvo estate with driving lights always on and still twice people not looking properly pulled out in front of me on my trip down to South Wales today.
  4. darkman

    darkman Crème de la Crème

    Oct 26, 2015
    Southcoast of the UK Earth
    Apparently the human brain fills in more background than we think so that we only see what we expect to see and it's more than often not the bike :-(
  5. steve lovatt

    steve lovatt Something else

    May 12, 2014
    North Yorkshire
    I was told this on the Bike Safe course - always change position when approaching a junction - it's that peripheral vision thing. Two "paint blistering" LED fog lights on all the time can also help!
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  6. Modalconfusion

    Modalconfusion Active Member

    Jul 28, 2016
    In my local village near Eccleshall there are average speed cameras which has cut speed through the village so coming through at 25-30mph a woman waited to turn right to head for Great Bridgeford I'm sure she saw me coming towards her as she was waiting ... And then when I got to within 20-30yards decides to make the turn!! WTF is that all about.
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  7. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    Nearly got T boned by a learner driver yesterday in Livingston, I hope he/she was on her test, must have surely failed!!!!!!
    I was going round the round-a-bout indicator flashing, to past their exit and take next one, when the stupid twat pulled straight out!
    Had time enough to avoid, brake and go round the back of the car only to see 2 'L' plates, bibbed the horn, they must have known my displeasure.
    Any one going faster or perhaps less experienced would have copped it with out doubt!
    If you want to witness bad driving standards, spend a week in Shetland, they are absolutely atrocious, only a couple of small round-a-bouts, no real built-up area's, traffic jams etc, even lorry drivers have been known to abandon their vehicles in fright when coming south not getting out of Aberdeen, I kid you not!
    Some dont even leave the outer islands, don't even need MOT's on those!
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  8. SamC

    SamC Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2016
    Yes people on the road are getting worse in general
  9. Havit

    Havit Admin
    Staff Member Subscriber

    Jul 17, 2015
    I was in the UK in July in Essex. The Ethnic "Majority" must have paid on the Black Market ( no pun intended ) for there Licences before moving over. Several times I was pulled out on or cut up on roundabouts. And they wasn't kids neither.Two I think were trying to break the record for how many you can fit a Micra sized Car !! I swear if it had a roof rack it would have carried passengers:oops:

    And yes, I know some English drivers are just as bad.
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  10. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    In my humble opinion car drivers are definitely getting worse. Back in the day there were less of them on the road so it likely seemed that they were not as bad then, I'm not sure that was actually the case. It's not just UK drivers though. I was in France last week and I had pull outs by drivers on two different occasions, one making a right turn and the other pulling out from a junction in front of me. In both instances I had to take significant evasive action; I reckon that every time I ride these days I have at least one moment, not all major ones but at least moments.

    Makes you wonder as well as I was riding with my headlight and two fog lights on (three Lamps on across the front of the bike) and they still don't see you.

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  11. Dougie D

    Dougie D Crème de la Crème

    Jan 30, 2016
    Blairgowrie Perthshire
    i think there is a strong argument for loud exhausts here,i must admit i've never had anyone pull out when i'm on my harley but it is one loud bike! Another thing i don't tend to ride in big towns or cities if i can help it,in my home town car drivers are pretty good perhaps everyone is in too much of a hurry in the city
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  12. Modalconfusion

    Modalconfusion Active Member

    Jul 28, 2016
    The test system for cars should be similar to the test system for bikes OR every car driver should take some sort of CBT on two wheels at least. I was a enthusiastic bicycle rider back in the day when I was fit .... now that is bloody scary on most A & B roads
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  13. Sceptic Al

    Sceptic Al Well-Known Member

    Some years back while returning home from Carlisle along the main (joke of a) road on my Jagde-panzer R80RT. Nice day for Cumbria, (not peeing down). I was fortunate enough to see a car approaching the T junction (minor road) on my left. Lucky for me my crystal ball was working and 'I Knew' said car driver wouldn't see me even with a white lid, day-glow jacket and my big old BM headlight on. Slowed down a tadge (65-ish down to 40-ish) moved right over to the white line, no traffic coming the other way, moved right over the white line. Low and behold said 4 wheel tin box DID pull straight out. No drama, missed by a country mile and sat at what could be called a very safe distance behind me. Shortly after the near hit, said car driver (FEMALE) pulled in to a lay by so I decided to about turn and have a 'quiet chat'. She was somewhat shaken by the whole experience and was most apologetic, not used to driving hubbies Merc, in a rush to play golf, distracted by hairy rat yapping on passenger seat, (TOTAL BOLLOX). Due to her shaken appearance I explained in a polite and gentlemanly fashion, (honestly), that she 'could' nearly caused a serious accident which would have resulted in her facing a humungous bill for damages, injuries, and, worst of all, probable black-balling from the golf club.
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  14. Sceptic Al

    Sceptic Al Well-Known Member

    Back in the dark ages when I learned to drive a 4 wheel tin box, (just a few years after they scrapped the man with the red flag in front), my instructor said to me "Assume EVERY OTHER DRIVE ON THE ROAD IS A TOTAL TW&T WHO IS TRYING TO KILL YOU". After all these years of 2 and 4 wheel driving in the UK, Europe, Middle East (where EVERY DRIVER IS A TOTAL TW&T etc), the USA, Canada and Australia I STILL stick to that advice.:D
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  15. stollydriver

    stollydriver Elite Member

    Apr 25, 2015
    north wales
    The ones that boil my pee are the drivers on their phones - having important calls about what's for tea etc. My best friend was murdered ( my feelings) by a driver that t boned him causing parallel breaks arms and legs. Unless you see the whites of their eyes - assume that they think you are invisible or invincible.
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  16. darkman

    darkman Crème de la Crème

    Oct 26, 2015
    Southcoast of the UK Earth
    Best one for a long time today, out for a ride and i come up behind a row of five cars waiting to overtake a steam engine and trailer as join them the first car makes a safe pass and then some wanker in a blue estate car that was not behind me as i slowed down jumps me and the other four cars at speed.
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  17. Sceptic Al

    Sceptic Al Well-Known Member

    Only ever had one $#!t head in a 4 wheeled tin can try to plant me after trying to knock me off. He changed his mind at light speed when he realised that a skid lid and fully armoured bike kit would hurt him more than me:)
  18. Thruccyboy

    Thruccyboy Senior Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    We should do a poll on the worst roads in the UK.....My money goes on the A406 North circular road. It`s hell alright any time of day. it`s king to the point & go brigade without so much as a indicator.
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  19. Modalconfusion

    Modalconfusion Active Member

    Jul 28, 2016
    On the A41 today heading for Whitchurch on a piece of straight road, I am overtaking some slow moving traffic when about 200-250 yards ahead of me a car pulls in to the left curb....... And then like a twat does a U turn pretty much in front of me and heads the other way. I sort of anticipated that something silly was going to happen and I avoided it by heading for the left hand curb but it was a fair hoot and a hand expression !! Another 100yards and he could of gone around the bloody roundabout knob
  20. Thruccyboy

    Thruccyboy Senior Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    Everybody on here has made a mistake whilst riding or driving I'm sure, but these days people who make mistakes are ready & willing to fill you in should you even look them in the eye.
    I think in the last 3 months the standard of driving has plummeted to a all time low....people no longer care they are in the wrong lane or even in the wrong.'s pure savagery at times & that's a real shame cos as motorcyclists we will always come off worse. Gone for good are good driving manners.
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