Hi Since acquiring this 60,000 mile 955i I have done few miles due to a broken speedo sensor. I fitted a new sensor but before the wheel spindle was fully torqued the wheel would not move freely, as if the brakes were binding. The calipers and pads have been cleaned and move freely but the lever now goes right back to the bar. I removed the wheel and confirmed that the left hand spacer was fitted correctly and the speedo sensor located correctly on the right fork lug. I began tightening the spindle with the brake calipers removed but the wheel was sticking at around 30ft lb torque. First picture - sticking before fully torqued, note gap. 2nd - fully torqued and wheel barely moves. 3rd - left hand spacer. All suggestions (within reason) welcome. Keep Smiling Ian
Hi, I have no knowledge of this model, but a few things are the same for every bike, is it's not reassembling correctly then something is not right, a spacer in the wrong side perhaps? I'd say loosen everything off wiggle it around & try again, if still no luck completely disassemble the front axle assembly & check the parts & reassembly method using the workshop diagram. If you have to force it, something is amiss.
Yes that speedo drive needs to butt up to the raised stopper on the fork leg and must be fitted into the wheel drive properly.
The speedo cable should be to the rear of the leg and the spud on the drive butts up to the raised bit on the fork leg.
I'm now thinking that it is the wrong speedo drive as some were fitted on the opposite side on other models?
Hi Kiwicol ...or hit it with a big hammer. Something so simple yet difficult to work out. I will approach it again with a clear head and use different swear words. Cheers and Keep Smiling! Ian
If you're certain it's assembled correctly (spacers in the correct side) it has to be the new speedo drive, either not seated correctly or, as you suggest, possibly the wrong one. If it looks the same, take some precise measurements as just a small difference can lock the wheel when fully tightened.
It's a while since I worked on an ST/RS 955i, from memory the front spacers are the same, from your photos it appears you have installed the drive incorrectly, the drive locating pegs are fragile, the drive is a very well known weak spot, the 2 locating lugs easily fracture, care needs to be taken when fitting and tightening the spindle, you need to strip it all out, inspect everything and re fit in the correct order. If you still have issues then come back and I will post a photo from my factory manual on said installation.
@IDC Like the peeps are saying. You need to take that front wheel out and fit and reposition the speedo drive to have the cable facing the engine with that tab on the drive sitting butted up to the tab on the fork leg and facing the engine. Gives you a little work but it should work When you have the speedo drive of make sure you haven't bent the two locating tabs inside the drive. If you have just straighten them up and fit into the two locating cut-outs in the wheel its self. Lots of luck. You know if someone has a picture of the drive position it may help @IDC
Thank you all for your advice. There are 2 'recesses' which can locate on the fork lug, I used the obvious (wrong) one. I tried the smaller one and all is well with the wheel and brakes.