Chain Adjustment…

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by MattGaydon, Apr 26, 2023.

  1. MattGaydon

    MattGaydon Noble Member

    Jun 11, 2015
    Forgive my ignorance but I’m new to bike maintenance so unsure of ALOT but willingly trying…!

    When you adjust the chain, do you have the bike on a paddock stand or just on the side stand? I’ve seen conflicting views/vids on this so not sure.

    To me it seems like the bike should be on the side stand so the weight of the bike is on the chain but if someone could clarify that would be ace!

    Thanks all!
  2. Notso

    Notso Senior Member

    Dec 17, 2018
    #2 Notso, Apr 26, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2023
    Side stand usually, although if the tension is correct then you can measure on both so you know the correct value in each case.
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  3. Linx

    Linx Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2020
    Stratford Upon Avon, UK
    #3 Linx, Apr 26, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2023
    Doesn't matter. The weight of the bike is still compressing the shock a little with both.
  4. MattGaydon

    MattGaydon Noble Member

    Jun 11, 2015
    Thanks guys that's really helpful!
  5. RickM46

    RickM46 Active Member

    Oct 12, 2023
    Hi Guys, a little late to this post but my 2 cents.
    I have a new 2023 Bonne T120 Black I bought last October.
    Checked the chain at about 300 miles on the center stand and found that there was 1 3/4 inches slack in the chain.

    So, I set about to do the adjustment. Found there were no adjustment marks on the frame but just kept track of how many turns on the adjustment bolts. I Adjusted down to 1 1/8 inches.

    With that, I noticed that clutch engagement was a lot smoother. Also used Lucas chain lube on the chain; no wax in it and its foam seemed to penetrate with not much spin off.
  6. Glenn2926

    Glenn2926 First Class Member

    Dec 21, 2021
    In my handbook it says on its wheels and upright. I set it like the book said then put it on the main stand and checked the amount of slack. Since then I can adjust it on the stand. Easy. I cannot see how it can be done correctly on the side stand.
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  7. timboo

    timboo Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2021
    Says in my manual side stand, I measured both on paddock and side stand at the same point, were identical.
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  8. Pegscraper

    Pegscraper Elite Member

    Jun 12, 2020
    Putting something under the sidestand to get the bike closer to vertical is one option. A paddock stand is by far the easiest/safest/most accurate way of measuring the chain IMO as you have the full weight of the bike on the stand close to the rear axle (even through the axle with some stand mounts), it can't fall over and you can spin the wheel freely which you need to find the tightest point in the chain.
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  9. RickM46

    RickM46 Active Member

    Oct 12, 2023
    UPDATE: Checked the adjustment after a short 6 mile ride BUT did the check on the side stand instead of the center stand. There is a difference. Found that the slack had changed from 1 1/8 inches on the center stand to closer to 7/8 inches on the side stand; adjusted the chain again by turning the adj screws inward just a bit to give more slack and called it good.
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