@learningtofly Sorry to hear your progress has slowed. But all my wishes for a full return to biking. You know I think I may have some of that damage but its my brain that hurts. Wow the garage is fab. Do keep getting better and let us know from time to time. We mat have to look for one of the old CB400 Automatic Honda's for you just to keep you active. Joe
Hmmm...looks like all are absolutely necessary accoutrements. Here's praying your medical issues abate.
LOL - you're the third person to say that I'm actually thinking of letting my builder have it, as I literally never use it (and haven't done so for at least a decade).
@learningtofly How are you mate. Any improvement. You know we are all in there routing for you. @joe mc donald
Wow, Tony, that garage is fantastic! I won't be showing it to Steve because he will definitely have "Garage Envy". Not that I don't. I'm was glad to see your response to @joe mc donald that you're seeing some slight improvement. I'll continue to pray that you keep experiencing steady improvement.