Ride Round The Dales

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andypandy, Oct 9, 2023.

  1. andypandy

    andypandy Crème de la Crème

    Jan 10, 2016
    Went for a ride around the Yorkshire Dales yesterday with my step son in law, his brother and his son. My son-in-law is about to start a six week course of radiotherapthy with some chemo thrown in so he wants to get out as much as possible before his treatment makes him too ill. So I planned a route with plenty of stops as he tires very quickly. First stop was The Parish Rooms, Kirkgate, Kildwick, Keighley BD20 9BA, a nice little community cafe in the grounds of a local church, very parochial and friendly.
    Next stop was Yockenthwaite.

    YorkshireDales 002.jpg YorkshireDales 007.jpg

    Yockenthwaite is on the map but there doesn't seem to be anything there but beautiful scenery, the river Wharfe tumbling down over rocks, green grass and trees. It's very popular and best visited during the week in summer. Me and the wife have had one or two picnics there.

    Our next stop was the https://pennygarthcafe.co.uk/ in Hawes where I enjoyed a nice ham salad sandwich. The others just had a drink as they had pigged out on sausage & egg butties @ coffee & crumbs. Which they highly praised.
    On our travels I couldn't help noticing the extensive flooding of farm fields. The roads were mainly dry, just the odd puddle but nothing too drastic.

    Next stop Settle and Ice Creams all round at Ye Old Naked Man cafe. Lots of bikes around as usual but I was too bone idle to take any pictures, sorry.

    Our last stop was to be the Staff of Life Inn on Burnley Road just north of Todmorden and indeed we did stop there only to find out they couldn't fit us in. Should have booked. So onto https://www.sanrocco.co.uk/the-wine-press/ at Hollingworth lake. Loads of room here. One of those places where all the food comes pre packed but after getting the dreaded "sorry we've run out of roast potatoes", I enjoyed my mushroom soup followed by a roast lamb dinner with chips. Not quite the delight I was looking forward to but still enjoyable.
    Then home via our separate ways, me to a bollacking from my wife for not ringing in. Well it was dark when I got home. My excuse was I'd been busy leading the ride and making sure her son in law was OK and got plenty of rest stops. :) All in all we all had a very enjoyable day. Most of all it was about giving my son in law a nice day before he starts his treatment.
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  2. learningtofly

    learningtofly He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!

    Sep 25, 2018
    Nice write up, thanks, and I hope the treatment is successful!
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Sounds like your son-in-law had a great day Andy. I hope his treatment goes well and that he is not badly impacted.
    And I hope Sue quickly forgave you for not having phoned her :)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1

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