Hi all, Just joined this forum today. I'm new to motorcycling, having been a scooter rider for years. I bought a Suzuki Van Van 125 back in April and absolutely love it, and after a few weeks decided to book some training with the idea of perhaps doing my light motorcycle test in order to get rid of the L-Plates , but after meeting with one of the training school instructors we both agreed I should go for my DAS. It was one of the best days of my life when I passed my Mod 1 and Mod 2 last month. Despite swearing I would never want or need to get a bigger bike after passing my test....I got the bug and a trip down to the local Triumph dealer and a Street Twin test ride later my bike is on order, sooo excited. Any thoughts on a woman my age taking on such a new adventure?
Hi Angie, you have asked a question no man will ever answer through fear....."on a woman your age"..... Err we dont know your age ( not that it maters im sure you look younger ) and we would be too scared to ask but to answer your question . Go for it!! Good on ya!! Enjoy life , and the ride. Oh and dont forget to send photos ......of the bike that is ....
Hi Angie welcome to the forum,i'm sure you are going to love your new bike..no matter what age you are
Welcome angie!! Tell me, are you the "angie" that Mick Jagger wrote about??? Enjoy your bike, and the forum. Atb Bob
Hello Angie and welcome to the Triumph Asylum - 58 eh? Just a nipper then !!!! The Street Twin is a peach of a bike and one you'll love and get admiring glances everywhere you go - not that you don't already obviously
Hi Angie, welcome in and congrats on your test and new bike. The only advice I can give a woman of your age getting a new bike is..........RIDE IT! There are a few of us around your area so if you need riding buddies put a post in Ride outs and event thread, near the bottom of the thread list. Also look into joining your local Triumph Owners Club, you'll get advice, company and ride outs with them too. Good Luck
Another one! Nobbut a lass, and trying to reduce the average age of forum members! Which is all very well, but it doesn't help BOFs like me to feel so youthful ... all I seem to get is a reality check. Anyway, welcome in, Angie. Just be careful and gentle with some of the inmates around these parts. Dicky tickers and incontinence are endemic hereabouts! Just saying!
Ah, thanks to all of you for your welcoming comments and advice I'll post some photos as soon as I get my bike. Last I heard was "July" so hoping it'll be sooner rather than later!! Be prepared for some newbie questions over the coming months!!
No it's a bugger mate. Only did mine 2 years ago - hated Mod 1 - locked into a compound with the examiner and a load of cones! The horror!
For most of this lot, it would be considered cradle-snatching at your young age !! Average age of this lot is about 74 !!! Welcome in, and enjoy the new bike when it comes.
I felt the same Steve, I ended up calling that compound 'The Cage' I never want to visit the town where I took my test ever again I'm so glad I passed though, don't know if I could have put myself through any of it a second time!