Bonneville T120 Engine Management Light

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by David Aldworth, Oct 21, 2022.

  1. David Aldworth

    May 23, 2022
    United Kingdom
    Hello people

    Twice now my engine management light has come on whilst on a sustained period of time on the motorway. I don’t go above 80 as you get blown everywhere.ha. 70-80 mph. I was driving from Bristol to Taunton so not that long on a motorway, 5 junctions. Both times the engine management light came on Whilst on the motorway. After a couple of heat cycles it’s gone away. Has this happened to anyone else? The performance doesn’t change, it was fully serviced at the beginning of august. Are they just not made for constant motorway riding?
  2. nnervous

    nnervous New Member

    Sep 2, 2022
    Central NY
    Have you checked to see if there is a fault code in your system?

    Checking fault codes:
    • Hold “I” button and turn ignition switch to ON.
    • Release I button when “DTC” appears on the left window.
    • Read the code. It'll be a P followed by four digits.
    • P0000 is no codes
  3. triumph900

    triumph900 Active Member

    Dec 24, 2017
    Have you checked for stored DTCs?
  4. David Aldworth

    May 23, 2022
    United Kingdom
    I have to be honest sir but I don’t know what that means?
  5. triumph900

    triumph900 Active Member

    Dec 24, 2017
    Sorry. I hate acronyms too!

    Fault codes. If the error light is on there should be fault codes stored. You can get them yourself and look up the values on the web.

    The steps are:
    Hold the "i" button on the left
    Turn the key on while holding "i" button
    The display should cycle through to DTC, release the "i" button.
    It should show the codes.

    Good luck.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  6. David Aldworth

    May 23, 2022
    United Kingdom
  7. David Aldworth

    May 23, 2022
    United Kingdom
    What code reader thing do you have?
  8. triumph900

    triumph900 Active Member

    Dec 24, 2017
    I have tuneecu, but you don't need anything to display the codes. Just follow the steps (I think I have them all in order)
  9. Eldon

    Eldon Elite Member

    Nov 14, 2018
    North Yorkshire
    For a code reader you could try one of these below.
    I switched my 765 on with the tank removed and it put the EML on. This soon sorted it.

    Readers with leads are ok with earlier bikes but don't work on later stuff as it has to be by Bluetooth.
    Can someone confirm the reverse isnt so meaning you can use Bluetooth on older models?


    On later stuff you also need to balance throttle bodies by electronic readings hence why I bought it initially.
  10. robin phillips

    Dec 13, 2020
  11. robin phillips

    Dec 13, 2020
    Hello All ! I have tried to post a tech issue / question....... Forgive me for placing here....Some thieving B tried to steal my beloved 2008 Bonnie se cfi.....The ignition lock barrel was drilled out. Fortunately they were disturbed. A replacement unit from Triumph is not available till Feb next year ! 4 cc'ing months away...... Any ideas how I can poss get a replacement please.
    Cheers All any advice appreciated .Thank You...... ( Garage grenades now fitted ). Robin
  12. robin phillips

    Dec 13, 2020
    Hello All ! I have tried to post a tech issue / question....... Forgive me for placing here....Some thieving B tried to steal my beloved 2008 Bonnie se cfi.....The ignition lock barrel was drilled out. Fortunately they were disturbed. A replacement unit from Triumph is not available till Feb next year ! 4 cc'ing months away...... Any ideas how I can poss get a replacement please.
    Cheers All any advice appreciated .Thank You...... ( Garage grenades now fitted ). Robin
  13. RickM46

    RickM46 Active Member

    Oct 12, 2023
    So, to the OP David, did you resolve the problem with the engine light?
  14. jackyma09

    jackyma09 Member

    Aug 10, 2023
    New York, USA
    The engine management light on a motorcycle monitors a variety of features. The light should turn off a few seconds after ignition. If the light stays on after this time, you could have problems with emissions, air intake, or fuel.
  15. RickM46

    RickM46 Active Member

    Oct 12, 2023
    Great info on this thread; didn't realize the 'i' button would display ECU codes.
    In any case, I just received the DealerTool OBD scanner made for Triumphs and made in the UK; per their instructions, I downloaded their software and drivers from their website; not used it yet.

    Oh, one last thing; I have noticed for the first time that my check engine light comes on when I move the ignition switch to Run but disappears after the engine starts; had a senior moment when I first noticed it and wondered if it had always done that - oh well:neutral:

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