Sprint GT Rectifier/regulator

Discussion in 'Sprint & Trophy' started by Aidan, Mar 12, 2022.

  1. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2018
    I've been having some poor starting issues when the bike gets hot after a long run. Seems as thought the battery has lost charge. I wondered if it may be the rectifier getting hot - this has confirmed by a few members of the club who had the same issues with rectifiers failing when hot. I took off the fairing and saw that the rectifier is a huge affair and touches the top coolant pipe, and is surrounded by foam on the inside of the fairing. I don't know who at Triumph thought this was a good idea. I looked at the Sprit parts pictures and Triumph wanted over £300 for one!!! I eventually got one for about £20 shipped direct form Ali Express in China. It is slightly smaller, but does not now touch the coolant pipe. Anyway, going to give an extended test over next few weeks.

    The point of this post was just to give anyone a "heads-up" if they are suffering the same.
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  2. joe mc donald


    Dec 26, 2014
    slough / burnham
    Would be good to know and save fellow biker a small packet.
  3. StonedRollin

    StonedRollin Member

    Oct 14, 2021
    Can you share a link to the one you bought?
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  4. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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  5. crispey

    crispey crispey creme de la creme

    Nov 6, 2014
    Ive just had the same problem on my Tiger 800, bought one from MPW, judging by the good reviews, it lasted a week then started over heating and I was back with the same issues. I've replaced it with a triumph one
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  6. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2018
    I do think my next move must be to move it to somewhere that the heat can dissipate - such as under the headstock. Phase 2 of the project!
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  7. Mugwump

    Mugwump New Member

    Mar 7, 2022
    KIngs Lynn
    Just a thought. Might be worth checking that the alternator is behaving properly. It's upstream of the regulator and chucks the power out. If it's overproducing it might be working the rectifier too hard.
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  8. Hubaxe

    Hubaxe Good moaning! aka Mr Wordsalad :)

    Mar 25, 2020
    Aix Les bains - French Alps
    What kind of bike have you?
    On my ST 1050 I noticed in the bike history 2 rectifier changes.
    I moved the rectifier from the right side fairing to the front left for a better cooling.
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  9. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2018
    I've got the Sprint GT - the rectifier has been moved to the left side (I guess they had so many failures on the Sprint ST that they had to do something). However, the location meant that the rectifier was actually touching the top coolant hose, and was tucked into the fairing, Crap design. I'm going to try and move it around the headstock area.
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  10. Hubaxe

    Hubaxe Good moaning! aka Mr Wordsalad :)

    Mar 25, 2020
    Aix Les bains - French Alps
    That's what I did. On my ST the regulator is on the front left with a much better ventilation.
    I also put a relay and a voltmeter. It's not preventing things to fail, but it's good to monitor those fragile stator/reg.
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