Don't agree with this i think? Part of me does but part definitely doesn’t. Very world wide slippery slope imho... This is a debate in itself and just something I had seen.
I would agree that it is a shift to far, although like you part of me does think it would maybe open some peoples eyes to the risk of the virus. But only part of me.
I find it difficult to sympathize with those who choose to live in that cage, and I know quite a few. Nope. Not mandated.
^ So- doesn't think people should be forced to submit… thinks everyone should have a vaxx passport to go buy food at the grocery store. Alrighty then.
You are injected with Corbyn juice, which then turns you into a raving nut job who also finds the Abbpotamus to be a fine person.
what is going on ffs….
Yes and no. Every state has some law or requirement covering hepatitis vaccines for hospital staff but all states also offer an exemption process. Most states just have laws that require the hospital to offer the vaccination but do not require the vaccine to be taken. Forcing a vaccine is never vital since the person without the vaccine is the only one at risk. It is a personal choice not to be vaccinated so the unvaccinated person assumes all risk.
But if you are vaccinated you are safe from those unclean and unvaccinated people so why does it matter if you share the same public space?
But you don’t advocate “forcing” people. Yeah… whatever, chappy. Your bullshit is only rivaled by your hypocrisy.
Ohhhhh....... Threats, I like that. 27 years as an Infantryman, multiple combat tours, please remind them to come in large groups, I'd like to take care of them all at one time so I don't waste to many days bothering with them.
Jesus’s H fucking Christ. Thousands of miles and an ocean between, us and they literally live on an island. You’d think they were breathing our snotty sneezes the way the bitch and moan.
Fuck me. Notwithstanding all the vitriol and bragadocio, please accept my best wishes for 2022, whatever your vaccination standpoint.
I am not a constitutional scholar but I am pretty sure the reason for the second amendment was the British.
Yeah, and then there’s that. Your enthusiastic banging away on that keyboard and double post would suggest otherwise.
Nice try, chappy. The definition of “militia” as the individual right to bear arms was resolved in the SCOTUS several years ago… in our favor. Dig a little deeper next time, and you may want to cite a source other than the pathetic WaPo, which is about as left wing and blindly anti-gun as they come. Nice try, dude… nice try.
I'm not sure which is worse: taking an 18th century constitution seriously in the 21st century (USA), or having an 'unwritten constitution' whch lets the likes of Johnson do what he likes with little constraint (UK). Madness in both cases..