Rocket Rocket 3 Tfc —“key Fob Out Of Range “ Warning Light”

Discussion in 'America, Speedmaster & Rocket' started by Dr. Jack, May 24, 2020.

  1. Dr. Jack

    Dr. Jack New Member

    Apr 24, 2020
    Metairie, La. U.S.A.
    #1 Dr. Jack, May 24, 2020
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
    Rocket 3 TFC-Key Fob Out Of Range” warning light comes on and off 90% of ride time. Battery changed numerous times. I know this is an issue with many Triumphs. Has anyone had the problem corrected by dealer. If so, how was issue corrected?
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  2. Dr. Jack

    Dr. Jack New Member

    Apr 24, 2020
    Metairie, La. U.S.A.
    Thanks so much. Will try.
  3. Dr. Jack

    Dr. Jack New Member

    Apr 24, 2020
    Metairie, La. U.S.A.
    Thanks again
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  4. haydenvn

    haydenvn Member

    Jan 14, 2018
    sunny wirral uk
    i had problems with my 1200xe and had the dealer re program the bike and replace fob battery. All ok now apart from one run where it flashed out of range for a few miles. I now know that the key can be used to start the bike if hands free not working by holding key against wireless sign under seat.
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  5. Dr. Jack

    Dr. Jack New Member

    Apr 24, 2020
    Metairie, La. U.S.A.
    Thanks. Bike starts no problem. Warning light not coming from a key fob battery issue. Changed battery numerous times.
  6. Burny_13

    Burny_13 Active Member

    Jun 16, 2019
    Do you keep your key in the same pocket/ very close to your phone?

    If so, that could be the issue, it causes me problems with my Speed RS.
  7. Dr. Jack

    Dr. Jack New Member

    Apr 24, 2020
    Metairie, La. U.S.A.
    No. I’ve tried changing pockets and phone mounted to handlebar.
  8. Dr. Jack

    Dr. Jack New Member

    Apr 24, 2020
    Metairie, La. U.S.A.
    Not yet.
  9. Dr. Jack

    Dr. Jack New Member

    Apr 24, 2020
    Metairie, La. U.S.A.
    Not yet.
  10. Dr. Jack

    Dr. Jack New Member

    Apr 24, 2020
    Metairie, La. U.S.A.
    Finally figured out a fix recommended by a Dallas dealer. I placed a “shim” between back of battery and rear fob cover. I cut out a round rubber shim the size of the + side of battery from a rubber exercise band that’s about 1mm thick. This pushes battery tightly against contacts. I tried bending contacts up, but this didn’t work. The “shim” solves the problem. This “Key Fob Out Of Range” banner obviously is caused from a key fob issue. Triumph should correct this ASAP!
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  11. Ducatitotriumph

    Ducatitotriumph Crème de la Crème

    Apr 25, 2019
    They will probably only send out a letter with a “cut here” circle ⭕️ on it so you can put it in the key fob....
    Good info thanks and enjoy!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. Desert Yeti

    Desert Yeti Member

    Apr 8, 2021
    Mojave Desert
    I know this might qualify as resurrecting a "necro-thread", but I had the dreaded "FOB out of range" warning Icon come-up numerous times on my Scrambler 1200XC. It seemed as though my FOB was devouring CR2032 batteries like they were gum-drops (I was changing batteries every 3-4 weeks), and I may have stumbled upon a very simple solution.

    I got to thinking; I'm frequently recreating in areas where there is no hope of getting a cell phone signal. When I'm in these areas, I can almost watch my battery life indicator of my phone descend to nothing as my phone searches in vain for a tower to link-up with. Why would my key FOB be any different?

    I started the practice of turning the FOB off when shutting off the bike (holding the Triumph button on the fob until it flashes red). I do this even if I'm just dashing in and out of a store on errands, if I'm at work, or if it's being parked for the night. I also switch-off the master ignition switch located just below the left side faux carburetor cover, but I understand that this switch is only on US and Canadian models.

    In any event, I began the practice of turning the FOB off when not actually operating the bike around the first of the year, and I haven't seen the FOB out of range warning, or had to change the battery since. Maybe the next time I get the warning I'll report back to this thread; I'm interested to see just how much life I can get out of a CR2032 now.
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  13. Desert Yeti

    Desert Yeti Member

    Apr 8, 2021
    Mojave Desert

    This morning on my way to work I saw a warning on the TFT I hadn't seen yet. It was an icon of a key over the top of a battery, and the warning was for "low key fob battery".

    The last time I changed the battery in my fob was around the first of the year (and I would normally get the "fob out of range" icon/warning), so it seems that the practice of turning the fob off every time I get off the bike has extended my battery life from 3-4 weeks to 5 months. I can live with that.
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  14. David Downes

    David Downes Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2016
    I had this issue literally when I picked up the bike, bought a new battery on the way home, and it only 'kinda' fixed the issue.

    I'm pretty certain that I bought the exact battery type that was in the fob to start with, which was a 2025 3v button cell. I can't recall how I sussed it out, probably I read the manual, and found that it was supposed to be a 2032 3v button cell. I swapped that out, and haven't had an issue since.

    This might sound really stupid to say, but are you definitely using a 2032, or perhaps like me, had the slimmer 2025, which is too narrow and therefore reasonably loses contact intermittently?
  15. Dr. Jack

    Dr. Jack New Member

    Apr 24, 2020
    Metairie, La. U.S.A.
    2032 used.

    I always use 2032 batteries. I changed key fob and fob antenna under tail in warranty, but still had problems. I now keep fob in back jean pocket. This corrected problem. Key fob has very, very limited range. Front pocket or jacket pocket will trigger warning light.
  16. Desert Yeti

    Desert Yeti Member

    Apr 8, 2021
    Mojave Desert
    Well, on my way home today I got the "Low Key FOB Battery" icon showing up on my TFT. The last time I changed the battery was back in early May, so it looks like six months or so is the battery life when I'm diligent about turning the FOB off when I'm not actually on the bike. I can live with that; it's definitely better than every four weeks (or less) before I got into the practice of switching the FOB off. It's worth noting that since I've been religious about turning the FOB off when not actually riding, I haven't seen the "Key FOB Out of Range" icon even once.
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  17. Ove Bjerknes

    Ove Bjerknes New Member

    Apr 5, 2022
    Old thread, i know.

    but i have measured the current draw from battery in key fob when it talks with the bike and when i turned it on. The signal last about one second and the current draw is around 7mA.

    the question is, when the key is on and in contact with the bike.... how often does the key talk to the bike? If we know that, we can estimate how long the battery should work.

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