Battery Tender - Question 1200 Scrambler Xe

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by FlyingMuleRIder, Mar 9, 2021.

  1. FlyingMuleRIder

    FlyingMuleRIder Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2021
    Hi Folks-

    This question is obviously not model specific, but I have a new 1200 Scrambler XE and like most of my other vehicles, I place a battery tender on them to manage the battery and keep it charged during times of inactivity.
    I have a standard Deltran battery tender (750 milliamps) and have it hard wired and connected to the top of the battery directly. All I have to do is plug in the two prong plug and I am good to go.

    The instructions are as follows;

    1.) Flashing Red - not charging
    2.) Solid Red- charging
    3.) Flashing green - battery charging at >80%
    4.) Solid green - monitoring.

    The problem is .... the charger is flashing continuously red, I have verified the polarity is correct, I have also hooked up the charger directly to the battery w/ the supplied alligator clamps and I can say with certainty that the battery is not undercharged right now and has plenty of juice.

    I have performed the above test w/ two separate battery tenders to make certain I don't have a bad one. Same results.

    Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated??? Thank You - Dave
  2. FlyingMuleRIder

    FlyingMuleRIder Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2021
    Thank you for the suggestion and I am researching this now and I think you may be correct and have possibly solved my problem.

    Next question is - did my new Triumph (purchased last week) come with an AGM battery or lithium battery???? I suspect maybe AGM but contacting dealer now. Thank You !!
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  3. FlyingMuleRIder

    FlyingMuleRIder Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2021
    Well I ordered a new Deltran Battery Tender "Plus" supposed to be compatible with AGM batteries. I hope this is the issue. I did verify I have an AGM battery in my motorcycle.

    Any other thoughts or ideas are appreciated ??

    Thank You
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  4. curlywurly

    curlywurly Member

    Mar 9, 2021
    If you still have an issue, try disconnecting the battery from the motorcycle and then attach the charger, so only the charger is in the circuit. It's possible you may be getting some sort of feedback from the motorcycle electrical system.

    Most likely is having the correct charger though, AGM batteries charge a little differently to flooded cell, same again for lithium batteries, those you do have to be careful with how you charge, if you get that wrong the results can be spectacular!
  5. FlyingMuleRIder

    FlyingMuleRIder Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2021
    Problem Solved -

    In the event someone else faces this issue. Deltran has an in-line 7.5 amp simple automotive blade fuse. Removed the plastic cap, replaced fuse - problem solved!!

    to everyone!
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