Newbie With Older 750 Trident

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Dutch Rob, Feb 20, 2021.

  1. clive1

    clive1 Member

    Aug 31, 2020
    South West Wales
    Hi Dutch Rob,
    And welcome to the "team Triumph"
    as has been said already, an ultrasonic carb clean is the answer,
    however on the subject of additives,
    I don't know if you can get hold of a product called "CATACLEAN"
    there is a version for petrol and diesel engines, I can vouch that
    this product can have an amazing result on carb issues like yours,
    it as the name suggests, intended for catalytic converter cleaning
    by being added to the fuel tank,
    even when all is running well on a fuel injected bike
    a treatment once or twice a year, cleans the whole injection system,
    and the improvement is noticeable,
    good luck.
  2. Hubaxe

    Hubaxe Good moaning! aka Mr Wordsalad :)

    Mar 25, 2020
    Aix Les bains - French Alps
    Welcome , Bienvenue.
    Agree with mates above, a full carburator cleaning/rebuilt should fix everything.
    Nice bike.
  3. Martine

    Martine Senior Member

    Dec 2, 2020
    Athens Georgia
    Welcome to the forum and congratulations on a beautiful ride. Loved reading your bike history :cool:. Handsome Husband lived in the Netherlands '84-'88 so we have a soft spot for it in this household. And you sound similar to him also...rebuilds, BSAs, lots of bikes over the years, now rides a HD along with his T140 and Norton,... Enjoy your ride.
  4. Sullivs

    Sullivs Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2020
    Weldon Spring, Missouri, USA
    Hello Rob,

    Welcome to the forum and great looking bike. As been mentioned many times before, the pilot jet circuits are very susceptible to clogging up when fuel is evaporating in them. You will become an "expert" at unclogging them, or you will get to know someone who does. If you are into tinkering, you will find it to be educational as well as fun.

    So good luck, and have fun! There are plenty of smart folks on this forum that have tackled the same problem many, many times, and are willing to share their knowledge with you.
  5. unclescratch

    unclescratch Active Member

    Dec 23, 2019
    NW Arizona
    This 'ultrasonic' method you mention; isn't that a 'vibration' method, with of course a special plate or basket or something to contain the parts?? Does it involve any kind of solution as well? :neutral:
  6. Dutch Rob

    Dutch Rob New Member

    Feb 20, 2021
    Hallo Vulpes, dank je wel. Leuk on hier te zijn en kennis te maken.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Dutch Rob

    Dutch Rob New Member

    Feb 20, 2021
    Thanks Martine. Nice to read about you connection with Holland. I have been in the US several times, work related and holidays. Travelled about 10.000 miles but always in cars. Still have some friends in ND and WI. Hope to come back again. Until that time I’m enjoying riding in Europe on Harley and the Trident. greetings from below sea level.
  8. Dutch Rob

    Dutch Rob New Member

    Feb 20, 2021
  9. Dutch Rob

    Dutch Rob New Member

    Feb 20, 2021
    Thanks Clive 1, I see that Cataclean is available in my country. Tomorrow I’ll get my ordered Forte 1&2. If that won’t help I’ll try cataclean. With all that extra chemicals in my tank, I must be aware of the crying bicycle riders riding behind me As long as it will make my bike run better I have to do what I have to do.
    Thanks for your help.
  10. Dutch Rob

    Dutch Rob New Member

    Feb 20, 2021
    Yes the ultrasonic cleaning methods is done in a box with cleaning liquid and a sound frequency sent thru the liquid. By the vibration of the liquid and the popping bubbles, parts getting cleaned. But you have to use the right liquid for the right purpose. Not any liquid is right for aluminum carbs. Using the wrong liquid van make the carbs black or even soft. In that case they are ruined. There is a lot to find about it on the web.
  11. Dutch Rob

    Dutch Rob New Member

    Feb 20, 2021
    As promised to keep you all posted about how the Trident is doing after some chemical treatment, here an update.
    I ran two-tank fillings with different chemicals to clean the carbs and jets. After adding Wynn's product I add at the last tank filling Forte 1&2. I must admit the bike runs better than ever before. Occasionally there is sometimes a little hick-up but they are getting less and less. I trust the problems will be over soon. Unfortunately, the fuel consumption is rather high, about 2.6 Gallon (US) on 60 miles. At first, I used only the first 5 gears to get some more revs to clean the engine. During the last tank, I used the 6 gear too but have no fuel consumption measured yet. Let's hope the bike will do some extra miles to the gallon in the future.
    After all the bike runs better and better and I love to ride it.
    Thanks for all the help, ride safe and stay healthy.
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