Bloody Toothache!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Tricky-Dicky, Feb 14, 2021.

  1. Tricky-Dicky

    Tricky-Dicky Crème de la Crème

    Dec 12, 2016
    Norfolk UK
    Sorry for the moan just need a bit of a vent, I seem to have lots of problems with my teeth in the last few years and don't have that many left so try to hang onto what I have but had a molar out 18 months ago which resulted in a dry socket (bloody painful) which got resolved after days of pain,

    But after it kept getting infected which in turn affected a deep-rooted wisdom tooth which now flares up now and then, I saw a specialist late last year who wanted to send me to London for a scan which I was not keen on even the covid, but did tell me that if I decided to go ahead with an op I would definitely lose some sensation in both my lip, tongue and chin, so I have decided to try and live with it which has not been too bad for the last three months, so I think great!

    Then last Saturday I get a really tender and painful tooth (other side of my jaw) which turns into full-blown toothache and I have been in agony since and got a half golf ball lump on my jaw.

    Suffering from painful guts from taking cocodamol and some heavy duty Meptid i had left over from my knee surgery, but it's not really touching it! Got hold of my dentist Monday morning and as expected I have to take a course of antibiotics to get the swelling down before they can take it out but at least I have got the antibiotics now but took another two days of pain before they kicked in and start to get the swelling down...but looking on the bright side the dentist is 30 miles away, so they send the proscription through to the local Boots for me to pick up 3 miles away instead of trying to drive the 30 miles in this snow.

    Now i have been on the antibiotics and nearly finished them the other side of my jaw with the wisdom tooth problem started to play up, and I have been in pain with that ....getting so pissed off the whole of my face on that side is painful and a cant open my mouth much, so it's looking like I will have to go back to the specialist and try and get the about rock and a hard place!:weary_face:

    Rant/moan over and I know there are many people much worse off than me and I should count myself lucky, and looking on the bright side at least my PSA tests are coming back with favourable results so far, and I've had the covid jab this week.:)
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  2. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    Tooth ache - the word ‘ache’ belittles how much angry gnashers can impact you.

    Hope you get it fixed soon.
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  3. andypandy

    andypandy Crème de la Crème

    Jan 10, 2016
    The only advice I can offer is Brandy. As much as you can drink.
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  4. Neil Gunn

    Neil Gunn Member

    Mar 29, 2019
    Sitting with a mouthfull of whisky helped me ..after drinking a fair drop I wwould sit with a gobfull.Woke in the morning (yes I did get to sleep) andd pain gone horrible taste the whisky had burnt the gum allowing the abcess to burst . Dental appointment not required
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  5. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    FFS that sound awful.

    In one of my rare moments of serious clarity I’ll say this, please watch for further signs of infection and sepsis. Swelling, pain, temperature, cold sweats, muscle aches delusions (worse than normal), rashes etc. Hint if you get an infectious rash, get a pen and draw around it to see if it grows.

    If any of the above happen please go see a doctor (A&E). Sepsis, cellulitis and the like can be very serious. In fact more than serious...

    Do not fcuk about thinking it might get better...

    Oh - don’t bother with 111 as they are useless muppets.
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  6. Georgez

    Georgez Senior Member

    Nov 2, 2019
    Pacific North West
    I use dental floss & a water pick. If your teeth/gums are healthy you will feel a lot better.
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  7. Tricky-Dicky

    Tricky-Dicky Crème de la Crème

    Dec 12, 2016
    Norfolk UK
    Thanks for the tips and sympathy's the ingrowing wisdom tooth that causing the main problem apart from the pain because it's pressing on the main nerve that runs along the jaw bone its making the jaw muscle very sore and stiff cant open my gob very much but seeing the dentist tomorrow and see what he says trouble is I keep taking cocodamol and that fooks up my guts....just cant win.
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  8. Georgez

    Georgez Senior Member

    Nov 2, 2019
    Pacific North West
    My wisdom teeth were pulled before I went into the service. They are known to cause troubles.
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  9. Dartplayer

    Dartplayer Crème de la Crème

    Aug 8, 2018
    New Zealand
    Hi TD, sorry to hear of your pain, :weary_face: as Cyborgbot mentions the issue is spreading infection.:scream:
    I had throat infection that spread to jaw causing it to lock. This ended up as quinsy which nearly killed me (2weeks in icu). :poop:Wishing you well and mention lack of movement of jaw to the dentist :p
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  10. Dartplayer

    Dartplayer Crème de la Crème

    Aug 8, 2018
    New Zealand
    Thanks Bikerman. :cool: I managed to get them to remove my tonsils, which was the root cause :imp:. They were hesitant to perform removal as I was in my twenties, so had put up with trouble most months :poop:
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  11. andyc1

    andyc1 Lunarville 7, Airlock 3

    Feb 4, 2017
    N. Ireland
    As said above, brandy is well known remedy for a toothache. Hope all goes well at the dentist today!
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  12. Iron

    Iron Guest

    Jeez, it's just awful. Best of luck TD. I think we all have troubling times with health, it's getting old. My last time spent in hospital the nurse said that my life would be different from then on. It's not really different, it's being old, with all the worn out bits getting a bit crappier than they were before. Teeth, eyes, knees it's just shit. I wish I'd fucked more when I had the chance. It'll all work out fine in the end. Bestist luck old man :neutral:
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  13. Ducatitotriumph

    Ducatitotriumph Crème de la Crème

    Apr 25, 2019
    I get those symptoms walking into a harley dealer looking for the bog though ..... ;)
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  14. Tricky-Dicky

    Tricky-Dicky Crème de la Crème

    Dec 12, 2016
    Norfolk UK
    Well saw the dentist ...god he could only have been in his early twentieso_O
    I have asked him to refer me to a specialist in a different larger hospital in the hope they are better equipped to sort my wisdom tooth problem and the odd thing is now I have finished the antibiotics it's not giving me quite so much pain...still very sore though.

    The other tooth he says I can either have root canal, but he doesn't think the chances of saving it are very good or have it out which will leave me little to chew on...he doesn't think a single false one will work and did suggest an implant, but I just don't have the resources for that so will try the root canal approach, he did want me to have another course of antibiotics, but I was not keen given the increased pain they caused in my jaw so still not much better off and suspect I will have to resort to yet more antibiotics and I'm still popping cocodamol like sweeties and living with the consequences to my digestion.:skull:
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  15. Iron

    Iron Guest

    Good grief, I know it's awful. Crack on, get them sorted or pulled. I feel for you as a few of us have been there too. Soup if need be, just get em sorted. :worried:
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  16. Cap City Murph

    Cap City Murph Active Member

    Jul 14, 2018
    Carson city nv.
    All i can say is i am wow feel bad for you!
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  17. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    #17 Cyborgbot, Feb 16, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2021
    I can’t but think about a dear old girl that was a neighbour. One of those indestructible types as was the norm for people that been a war girl, farmed the land and had spent her later years supporting charities.

    She said that for her 21st birthday she had all her teeth taken out...

    I was a bit shocked and didn’t probe the fact too much.

    Apparently if you were poor they would just take all your teeth out so as to save pain and trouble down stream...

    It seems rather drastic!
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  18. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    So sorry to hear about your horrible toothache and accompanying pain (and pain-in-the-arse) dealings, Tricky-Dicky.:( I truly hope that you get this resolved soon. Hopefully you will get that referral to a larger hospital with more access to expertise and resources. Hang in there. :heart:
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  19. Tricky-Dicky

    Tricky-Dicky Crème de la Crème

    Dec 12, 2016
    Norfolk UK
    #19 Tricky-Dicky, Feb 17, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2021
    Thank you guys, back on antibiotics and heavy-duty painkillers which I don't like, but it's not much of a choice, it's not nice knowing that it's all going to take a bit of time to get sorted, and I have just seen on the local news that the hospital that I am getting referred to has just had its knuckles rapped for bad hygiene regarding covid...not my year so far.o_O
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  20. Iron

    Iron Guest

    #20 Iron, Feb 17, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2021
    Don't worry about the wrapping, just remember to wash your hands and go get the teeth sorted
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