OMG...There will never be another Jimi Hendrix.....Of course I was MUCH younger and wilder and when it came to him breaking up his guitar and throwing it into the audience, of course I dove into the crowd, pushing my way to a piece of his guitar....I still have it to this day....I can't prove it is from his guitar but at least I know it was. Jimi could take you on a journey to another planet with his eloquent lead guitar notes that could speak to you...and just when you would think that he went a little too far, he would weave those notes right back into the fold.....simply amazing. Love his tune. "Little Wing" The only other musical artist that to me, could do this, albeit in the jazz world, was Miles Davis.....You have me reminiscing.
OMG...There will never be another Jimi Hendrix.....Of course I was MUCH younger and wilder and when it came to him breaking up his guitar and throwing it into the audience, of course I dove into the crowd, pushing my way to a piece of his guitar....I still have it to this day....I can't prove it is from his guitar but at least I know it was. Well nobody ever accused me of being sane, so should fit in here..hahahaha
@Photog_Steve Greetings, Steve, and welcome to the forum! Lots of great people here and many who will be happy to provide advice and ask questions if asked. Oh, and most of us are also happy to give our opinions....on bikes and just about any other topic. Good luck with your motorcycle purchase and your return to riding. It's very cool that you (still) surf. But isn't the water temp in MA a little chilly?? Please share some photos with us when you bring a new bike home.
hi and welcome no the Bonneville is not that heavy I am 69 and its a good ride gave the bmws up a about 13 yers ago they were getting to heavy to ride every day won't take long to get usto riding again