Attempted Job Scam

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by BonnieCat, Jan 15, 2021.

  1. BonnieCat

    BonnieCat Crème de la Crème

    Feb 20, 2016
    So via Indeed I was contacted by a company about a job, which looked interesting and matched my experience. I checked this company’s website and saw it didn’t look that professional. It had grammar errors for example. I looked for their team members on LinkedIn but couldn’t find any of them, nor any internet presence (first red flag waving). Also checked on Glass Door, again nothing.
    This morning they again tried to ring me to chat, however as I was suspicious I didn’t answer the guys call. So I did a search on the internet of the photos they’d used for their team members and was shocked to discover all photos were internet stock photos and that the same photos were in use on other sites and the people had different names and job titles. Red flag now waving very furiously.
    Their home page showed a picture of an office, again this photo was in use on several different websites.
    I contacted Indeed to ask them to investigate. I’ll let you know what happens.
    The contact guy had an Indian accent (he left me a voicemail), but not sure what the scam is. They have my CV details as it was uploaded on the Indeed website but nothing else.
    Anybody had something similar or know what the scam is or how it works.
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  2. dilligaf

    dilligaf Guest

    Ya don’t need a job Nicki:confused:
    Ya just think you do :eek:
    I’m never gonna work again :p
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  3. BonnieCat

    BonnieCat Crème de la Crème

    Feb 20, 2016
    I’m sick of sitting on my arse all day Graham. May as well earn some pennies.
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  4. andyc1

    andyc1 Lunarville 7, Airlock 3

    Feb 4, 2017
    N. Ireland
    Good on you for spotting it! Scammers everywhere!!!
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  5. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    Wow, Nikki, this is a nasty scam with who knows what as the desired scammy outcome. Access to personal information? :eek: Money? :scream: QAnon recruitment? ;):joy:

    Please keep us posted on what you find out. Hopefully Indeed isn't actually the scam perpetrator and they'll be able to follow the trail to those who are.
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  6. Pegscraper

    Pegscraper Elite Member

    Jun 12, 2020
    Cold calls from scammers are an increasing nuisance, usually with an Indian accent. I regularly get calls, supposedly from "Amazon" regarding a £££ purchase I've just made on my credit card and "press 1 to dispute the purchase and get a refund to your card".
    I also have a Sky TV contract and get calls, pretending to be from them, regarding a maintenance contract to cover the TV boxes. I had 4 calls from them in December, 2 of them claiming to be "Veronica from Sky" and they were 2 completely different voices. Not even sure if one of them wasn't a bloke. The fact that bank and credit card accounts are getting much harder to hack means tricking people into giving details over the phone is much easier and obviously worthwhile because people do fall for it. Bastards.
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  7. BonnieCat

    BonnieCat Crème de la Crème

    Feb 20, 2016
    The guy from Indeed asked me to send all correspondence I’d had with this “company”, which I duly sent. I’d love to know how the scam/fraud works.
    It was thanks to Android photo search I was able to find half a dozen or so fraudulent websites where they’d used the same photos. They are really not that bright.
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  8. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    "They are really not that bright." Probably why they are attempting a scam to begin with. :rolleyes: Please continue to update us, Nikki!
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  9. BonnieCat

    BonnieCat Crème de la Crème

    Feb 20, 2016
    Certainly will. I’m relying on Indeed for any updates.
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  10. dilligaf

    dilligaf Guest

    They don’t have to be clever :mad:
    Just gotta find the right victims :(
    Had to take my mothers bank card away from her:confused:
    Her bank account was emptied TWICE before I realised what was going on and put a stop to it all :confused:
    FECKIN BASTIDS :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
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  11. Smilinjack

    Smilinjack Guest

    I'd guess from a job site the two most likely targets are bank details or National Insurance number. NI number is handy for money laundering or credit card accounts, or fake ID. They could ask for bank details to make payments to you ;) or send you hooky cheques before asking you to send some of its value via Western Union or similar. Then you discover the cheque's a dud and you're out of pocket. Anyway, you've nipped it in the bud, so well done you :)
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  12. Pegscraper

    Pegscraper Elite Member

    Jun 12, 2020
    Another scam call I get now and then is (supposedly) from my internet provider who can see some problem with my connection as they're receiving "errors" from my router which they can fix by remote access to my PC. I used to just hang up but, having worked in IT for some years, I have a bit of fun wasting their time by asking them about the problem, CRC, FEC, latency, ping times etc etc before telling them to FECK OFF!
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  13. andypandy

    andypandy Crème de la Crème

    Jan 10, 2016
    Sounds like you know a lot about running a scam Al. :p:)
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  14. BonnieCat

    BonnieCat Crème de la Crème

    Feb 20, 2016
    The website page containing the team photos has been removed. Now there’s a surprise. Fortunately I still had it open on my phone so took screen shots.
    I should’ve been a detective ;):cool:
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  15. steve lovatt

    steve lovatt Something else

    May 12, 2014
    North Yorkshire
    I've had this quite a few times now, always claim it's a problem with BT internet provider (even though we're not with them). Last time the Indian sounding chap he got quite arsey with me because I argued with him and insisted that I turn my pc on so he could fix the problem. I insisted that he should f*ck off! :joy:
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  16. Smilinjack

    Smilinjack Guest

    Watched a few of those revenge vids on Youtube where hackers syskey the crook's computer and start deleting files while they're on the phone. Quite fun :)
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  17. Ducatitotriumph

    Ducatitotriumph Crème de la Crème

    Apr 25, 2019
    #17 Ducatitotriumph, Jan 16, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
    youtube search kitgoba
    He's great at scambaiting.
    Well worth a look if yer bored!

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  18. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    You still could be a detective, Nikki! :) Maybe that's that new job you were looking instead of one through Indeed. ;)
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  19. BonnieCat

    BonnieCat Crème de la Crème

    Feb 20, 2016
    I like it when he does the old lady and keeps interrupting the scammers.
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  20. Ducatitotriumph

    Ducatitotriumph Crème de la Crème

    Apr 25, 2019
    the one where he gets one going for 16hrs is great.
    The scammer loses his mind when he/she redeems the cards.
    I think it's down as his angriest scammer ever.
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