Read carefully this thread, and you'll find a guy that gives the key to that "mystery". There are black guys in Trump supporters that were at the Capitol event. Sheep like us will say: "ok Trump as also black people supporting him" Self claimed non-sheep genius say: "it's an antifa false flag job" Brilliant isn't it.
Ok, but that isn't related with my comment? Or do I miss something? Fun fact: the Capitol architect Charles Bulfinch was inspired by "le Pantheon" in Paris.
We seem to be missing the point that the storming of the White House by the Royal Marines or the 1954 shootings by the Puerto Rican’s were NOT encouraged by the President - Unlike the other day..
Calm down it's Americaland, the land of the free and the brave remember, no missing the point, anything is possible in the American dream. Trump is just one face of the coin, Burdon sorry Biden, is just one more, mad as a box of frogs and just as corrupt and self-absorbed as Trump. The first thing he did when these loons wandered into the house of corruption, was drive home even more divisive point scoring "what would have happened if the uninvited were from the BLM organization" mans a fool and America would do well to get rid of him ASAP, which I'm sure that is the plan!!!!
I have to say, the fact that these protesters where allowed to "walk in" with very little resistance is a fantastically democratic thing. I would hate to think of government buildings being heavy militarized. Of course you don't want aholes wrecking the place, or devaluing the inherent maxim of the building.
2 french journalists actually entered within the rioters in the Capitol. I saw one of them (Laura Gresswiller) in a direct tv broadcast. The Police didn't imagined such a mass of people invading at the same time. She told exactly "«C’est incroyable de voir comment la police est dépassée et recule face aux manifestants» - 'It's unbelievable to see how the police is overhelmed and step back facing the protesters", but she never said the police let them coming in. It was a violent act.
I agree but there has to be a level of pragmatism, you can’t wander into the Houses of Parliament on a whim anymore, but if you book and organise properly you can still visit if you choose - but security there is an awful lot tighter than before due to the Terror attack a few years back - The Capitol Building should have done the same in 1954! But as always hind sight is a wonderful thing
Dominion voting systems to sue former Trump lawyer Dominion, the manufacturers of a voting system used in the US election, is suing President Donald Trump’s former campaign lawyer Sidney Powell for defamation. Powell made numerous claims about the voting system including that it was “created in Venezuela to rig elections for Hugo Chavez”, the lawsuit says. The conservative activist and former federal prosecutor also made unsubstantiated claims that votes for President Trump had probably been switched in favour of President-elect Joe Biden. No evidence has been provided for any of the allegations and courts have dismissed lawsuits which referred to those claims. Dominion is requesting more than $1.3bn (£960m) in damages. It claims it spent millions on damage control and security for its employees, NBC news reports.