Nope my lights have face recognition, when they don’t see me they shut off automatically, so I don’t get yelled at
Does anyone know the last person who “won” a political argument on social media? I’m sure someone has but I’ve never seen it happen...
There at some point we are more on "irrational belief" than political argument. that's why despite everything said some go through forever.
People should be thinking of it as winning or losing. It's debate and learning. Sometimes I'm right, sometimes I'm wrong. Hopefully I get batter (as @Callumity said) at thinking along the way.
I've had a little bit of renewed interest in this thread. Seeing all these wokes/lefties/liberals etc contesting @Callumity 's drum has made things slightly livlier.
Agreed. I remain very interested in how this will play out. It is good to see the different points of view on a subject that I know naff all about. So a big thank you to all for posting your points of view. All good fun
It’s interesting to me to see “outsiders” view of our politics. I have to say you are much more enlightened than any of us would be about yours, myself included.
He definitely creates a reaction one way or another. I told my father, a staunch Republican I wouldn’t vote for him because I felt he would embarrass us as a nation. I still feel that way. I also feel JB is not any better. Crap sandwich or crap soufflé you’re still being offered crap.
The difference between is they are certain. I am not. Back to my friend Voltaire: “Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one.”
Yup and 'We look to Scotland for all our ideas of civilization', ('Nous nous tournons vers l'Écosse pour trouver toutes nos idées sur la civilisation').
I have immediate family there (in NYC/LI) and have probably visited about 40 times myself. I know at least part of the country quite well.
My bucket list includes a trip to Scotland to play St Andrews and some of the other courses on the Open Championship rotation. I would also love to see Argyllshire Scotland, where my family immigrated from in 1829. I’m part of the Campbell Clan.
And another bizarre allegation from Mr Roger Stone It was Chairman Kim all the time - glad that’s sorted