Air Bag Vests

Discussion in 'Clothing & Gadgets' started by Bad Billy, Oct 15, 2020.

  1. Bad Billy

    Bad Billy Baddest Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    Southern Softyville
    Has anyone on here used an airbag vest, increasingly I am seeing lots of club racers wearing the sort in link below, thinking about using one but not sure whether this sort or the ones that go under your leathers in the second link? Racers that use the first type have said that they work well in an accident but I prefer the idea of one that goes under my leathers instead of bulky armour that I use at the moment.
  2. Red Thunder

    Red Thunder Crème de la Crème

    Dec 2, 2014
    High Wycombe
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  3. tcbandituk


    Apr 8, 2016
    Borrowed the external Helite one last year for a couple of days at Cartagena.
    Like the idea although not sure on the lanyard actuation idea, it's quite possible to fall off and not actuate the airbag if you stay with the bike.
    For me, it would need to be lighter, less bulky and cheaper to consider buying one.
    I'm looking at getting an internal air bag set up next year as I really need a new leather one piece anyway, so some of the cost is ameliorated.
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  4. Bad Billy

    Bad Billy Baddest Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    Southern Softyville
  5. RebelHawk

    RebelHawk Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2020
    SC, USA
    I've been eyeing the Klim AI vest. I like the idea of being able to wear it under my jacket as I do swap jackets based on weather. I think I'll pull the trigger on that purchase here in the near future. I'll come back to this thread and update if I do.
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  6. Bad Billy

    Bad Billy Baddest Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    Southern Softyville
    I have heard good things from other club racers that have used them this year, I am told they have always deployed in an accident & have done a good job protecting ribs & collarbones which are usually the causalities in an off.
    But like you I would prefer something to go under the leathers, I already have a new Alpine Stars GP Plus Venom suit which was heavily discounted at the end of the season, there is room for both chest & back protection in them so there should be room for an air vest instead. The A-Stars that I linked in the OP says it will go under any suit with sufficient room.
  7. dilligaf

    dilligaf Guest

    Wind bag:eek:
    .....oh....air bag:rolleyes:..,I’ll leave it there :p
    • Funny Funny x 4
  8. Bad Billy

    Bad Billy Baddest Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    Southern Softyville
    Pot, Kettle, Black :rolleyes: ... I'll leave that there as well then! o_O

    You're such a bitch sometimes Dilli, good job I am not easily offended or I might be tempted to tell you to FECK OFF! :p
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  9. tcbandituk


    Apr 8, 2016
    The other aspect is recharging the airbags.
    That's one advantage air bags like the Helite have is it's a 5 minute job with a £20 (IIRC) cartridge to recharge them.
    I think the Tech air is similar but don't know the cost of the catridges.
    From what I've been told, a Dianese suit has to go back to the factory currently for recharging...
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  10. Bad Billy

    Bad Billy Baddest Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    Southern Softyville
    I must admit that the Helite is a lot less faff, it is purely mechanical & activated by the pull cord as you and the bike depart company. The Tech Air has a rechargeable battery with a max life of 30 hours riding, bit late to wonder if you charged it as you're going over the high side mate! :scream:
    I will look into the costs of new canisters on the Tech Air as well, as the Helite is reasonable as you have already pointed out. The other thing is the Helite seems to crash quite well, one racer I know has had 3 crashes including 1 at around 120mph and the vest is still functional.
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  11. Doc Strange

    Doc Strange Senior Member

    Aug 8, 2019
    Got one of these at the start of the summer:

    Wear it for road riding but have also worn it on a trackday. I didn't find it restrictive, but I'm not exactly all over the bike like Marquez!

    It feels a bit more bulky, but no less comfortable as don't need a back protector in jacket with this model of airbag.

    Haven't actually 'used' it and hope I never will, but replacement cartridges are @£25 and easy to fit. I've registered the guarantee and intend to have it serviced every couple of years as recommended.

    Would certainly recommend for a road rider, but reckon you'll need to see how you feel on the bike in full leathers to see how it'd feel for racing.

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  12. Bad Billy

    Bad Billy Baddest Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    Southern Softyville
    I think that air vests & suits are excellent, anyone that saw Jack Miller’s high side in Moto GP would have seen that after coming down from a good 10-12 feet up over the highside that he got up & walked away, this was because of air suit technology.
    They apparently absorb 10 times more energy in a crash that conventional armour, that’s a lot of pain saved!
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  13. Bad Billy

    Bad Billy Baddest Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    Southern Softyville
    I have been doing a bit of research on the Alpine Stars tech air 5, if it deploys, you have to send it back to A Stars for repacking at a cost of $300 (£232) as a racer I am going to expect to crash during a season so this cost has to be factored in. The below is an interesting read if you are thinking about one of these, I am leaning more towards the mechanical Helite version as it is less bother/cheaper to reuse again once it has been deployed.
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  14. Lou160487

    Lou160487 Senior Member

    Jun 16, 2020
    Florida U.S.A
    I've been wearing the Helite vest for a year now and I do appreciate the added protection. The Helite web site tells you how much clearance is needed between the vest and jacket if it's worn under the jacket. I can wear mine either way. A couple of things you should know. The tether should be attached to the frame and adjusted snugly enough as to allow very little movement. Also it's a pretty heavy item and in warm weather is HOT as heck!
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  15. RebelHawk

    RebelHawk Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2020
    SC, USA
    After reading and watching everything I could find. I went ahead and pulled the trigger on the KLIM AI AirVest. I'll post up a review of that once I get it in and have a chance to check it out. Hopefully it will not be a FULL review as I hope to never need to use it fully. =)
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  16. GmanJeff

    GmanJeff Member

    Mar 30, 2020
    Virginia, USA
    I picked up two KLIM Ai-1 airbag vests on sale yesterday, one for me and one for my son, with encouragement from my wife. She has hidden them away until Christmas, and I'll report impressions thereafter!
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  17. T100rider

    T100rider Member

    Aug 29, 2019
    Deerfield, Illinois
    I just put Medussa away for the season. I rode all season with a new Helite vest - 7000+ miles. The vest was totally unobtrusive and easily adjusted to fit over everything from a thin armored shirt to a very thick textile jacket. I never felt it added much heat - particularly when worn loosly over a mesh shirt. Wife says I look a bit like a swat patrolman but its a minor sacrifice for the safety boost.
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  18. DanielB

    DanielB Noble Member

    Jan 13, 2019
    Abingdon, Oxfordshire
    #18 DanielB, Dec 1, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2020
    This topic is pretty close to my heart at the moment as I am having wavering thoughts on my current airbag vest situation.

    Because of this wobble I have been fastidiously googling all that I can, watching reviews, reading reviews etc etc since last week...and I already have an airvest!!

    I think the original post here is more specifically aimed at racing/track which may or may not render this all moot. But hey maybe it'll be useful...

    There is one thing I have noticed so far throughout this new bout of research.

    The normal comparisons pit vests against each other regarding the deployment mechanism - physical lanyard or smart electronics. Both have their plus and minuses...that's not what I've noticed.

    The vests can be hi Vis. Or not. Under jacket, or over... That's not really what I've noticed either...

    Ok, hand on heart time, I have a high vis Helite Turtle 2. It has a physical connection. It cost me (approx) £550 almost two years ago. It is comfortable. I have no concerns over it as a safety product or its usage. I'd say I (almost) love it. However a part of me feels that a high vis over jacket does "spoil the look"...isn't riding at least partly about vanity and 'that look'? But I reconcile that with being 46 in age and not far off in perhaps the look can or should take second place to safety...:laughing:

    That said I HAVE been considering changing the airbag vest I have for an undergarment one...still 'play it safe' - I thoroughly agree with the principle of an airvest. I don't need to be sold the whole idea. I think they're great! However perhaps not being all high vis, and covering up my expensive nice jacket seems a shame?

    So...two minds about which 'route' to go down....

    Where am I going with all this? Sorry for the ramble, why use 10 words when 20 will do, that's my motto...:rolleyes:

    But, the thing I have noticed which seems hugely significant but never mentioned, is the actual coverage comparison of the jacket types...?

    I am not making a judgement call in anyway. It is just something I have noticed and noticed more by its lack of comment/review.

    Look at a Helite turtle 2. Look at what is covered when inflated. The coverage seems to protect the hips, as well as the very lower back, cocyix even. As well as all the other obvious areas.

    Are these areas vulnerable in an accident? The hips? Lower back?

    When I have looked at other jackets, under garment ones in the main, I am always surprised by how much they seem to 'ride up' when they inflate. Back protection, shoulders, neck...all upper body, excellent. But the base of the back? The hips?

    Watch some inflation videos...see what you think. I'd be interested in others opinions.

    It is true I own the Helite but I was truely on the cusp of changing it (and still might) but then noticed this coverage issue and just wondered if it 'trumps' the 'look'?

    Any thoughts...

    Do others agree there's a difference? But...does it matter?

    Here's a link to a clip (scroll down to short video) that shows the coverage of the Helite. Coxyics, hips.

    Last 10 seconds of this Klim

    Or from 2m15 of this

    Just seems they get the small of the back, but not below?

    Apologies for the long post.

    Some photos below as well to try and show the differences.

    HELD evest.PNG

    Dainese Dair.PNG

    IXON airbag.PNG

    helite coverage.PNG
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  19. Samsgrandad

    Samsgrandad Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2019
    I have ridden with a Helite Hi-Viz air bag for the last 2 or 3 years. It seems heavy when carrying the vest but once it is on then that is not too noticeable.
    For me one of the big advantages of the Helite vest is that the inflated bladder over the shoulders is much bigger than all the other air bags I have seen, this mens that when deployed the Helite will inflate up under the base of the helmet and in effect hold one's head steady and in a fixed position limiting the risk of neck injuries.
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  20. crispey

    crispey crispey creme de la creme

    Nov 6, 2014
    It looks like modern protection has regressed... early 1900’s the had full protection
    • Funny Funny x 3

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