Hello. Paul here, just joined the forum. I'm keen to read, follow and discuss the Tiger 900 GT PRO threads and any other cool bike stuff. I've just returned home after five days away on my new GT PRO which has now covered about 6500km. Central North Island NZ back roads mainly. Awesome bike. Traded my 2014 Tiger Sport 1050 and 2012 Street Triple for the 900 hoping for a blend of the two. It's more than I could have imagined, very happy.
Hi Pauleo. Pictures of far away places always go down well here. By which I mean far way from where I am. Don't just take pictures of things in the distance.
Pauleo Welcome to the family. Do drop the inmates some pictures of the steeds. Just hit the upload a file button bottom right corner and keep us all happy. Joe.
Thanks Diligaf. I'm slowly working out the functionality of this site. Good to see others complimenting NZ rides. It sure is a great place for bikes and bikers. Cheers