What’s The Most Boring/crap Bike You Have Owned?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Jet City, Jan 4, 2020.

  1. JtC

    JtC Elite Member

    Apr 20, 2020
    New Mexico
    I can honestly say no bike I’ve owned has been boring or shite. I’ve always seemed to get the best out of them and them the best out of me. I guess since I’ve never owned a Harley is why.
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  2. MartyWilson

    MartyWilson Guest

    I have had many bikes that would be considered 'duff' but I never found any of them boring when I rode them. These included a Honda CB250RS which I came off on black ice at three different places on the one day although sadly the last fall ended with a car smashing the bike to bits and a Honda MBX125 that I managed to hi-side at about 40mph on a very tight bend on a cold, icy day and I ended up doing a good impression of Superman, headfirst but facing skywards, for a good number of yards before coming gently down to earth and sliding for a good few yards more straight down the road and without leaving my lane.

    I have to say that the most boring bike I ever rode (didn't own it) was a Yamaha R1 (1998 I think). It just did everything so perfectly that I found it dull. Speeding was just something you did and it didn't scare the pants off you and the same went for popping wheelies and getting the knee down. The owner had a shot on my steed of the time (1986 Suzuki GSX750ES) and was pale and shaking by the time we stopped even though I don't think he went over 100mph.
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  3. Steve 998cc

    Steve 998cc Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2019
    Kawasaki KLR650 2 years old very clean well maintained bike it couldn't keep up with a slug, heavy, wouldn 't handle they were supposed to be a trail bike. kept it about a month and got rid of the piece of rubbish. the other was a Triumph 750 1974 vintage. Kept it about 2 months Blow a head gasket then a base gasket gearbox seal it never got more than 10 miles without some thing falling of exhaust. carb bowl and various other bits wash my bikes every week and run a spanner round them. I liked the bike to ride but it was a piece of c**p
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  4. Havit

    Havit Admin
    Staff Member Subscriber

    Jul 17, 2015
    Honda super dream , boring , slow and ......just boring
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  5. Ducatitotriumph

    Ducatitotriumph Crème de la Crème

    Apr 25, 2019
    my art teacher had a cb250 wet dream. With engine bars.
    He also had arm patches on his suit jacket.
    Says it all really.
    • Funny Funny x 7
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  6. Thripster

    Thripster Elite Member

    Feb 21, 2020
    Northampton, UK
    Brother's hand me down. Always got his knackered dross. Raleigh with two pedals, warped front wheel, puncture repair kit case hanging on back of saddle with no contents but a friendly spider, frame mounted hand pump that jumped off the frame if you so much as rode over a nemetode, rear wheel dynamo that had successfully mined it's way to the inner cloth of the tyre and a grolly bruising habit of gear dropping just when you were standing up to gain purchse. Our family surname therefore dies out with me. Apparently, it is Bastid. Maybe that's a good thing. Is that what you meant?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. Stramasher

    Stramasher Senior Member

    Jun 10, 2020
    See all those folk pining for “good ol’ carbs?”

    well they probably never owned a 400 Bandit. Beautiful little thing but fuelled like a pig. Was never right.
    Anyway, finally got rid as the missus (whose bike it was) and it went their separate ways on the A85 near Dalmally.
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  8. Angus Barclay

    Angus Barclay New Member

    Aug 3, 2020
    New Zealand
    Most boring was a Kawasaki GT750 shaft-drive naked touring bike I had for less than a year in the early 1990s.
    It had a rubbish starter-clutch, poor brakes, and poor handling. Heavy and boring to ride with none of the advantages or character I hoped it might share with a previously owned Yamaha XJ900 shaftie.
    I wasn't sad to sell the Kwaka when I decided to move overseas and unlike other bikes I've owned, I've never reminisced fondly about any rides I went on with it.
  9. Angus Barclay

    Angus Barclay New Member

    Aug 3, 2020
    New Zealand
    The most crap bike I ever owned was also one of the most fun . . . a 1978 Honda 50 Supercub that a neighbour abandoned in my garage when he moved away.
    The little Honda was seriously beat up and unreliable, but it was also so simple that fixing it was always easy and could often be done in a minute or two at the roadside with a Leatherman tool. And because it cost me nothing to, little to run, and had less than 10HP, I was fearless in how I rode it.
    Over three years it chewed through three engines (cheap and easy to buy clones from an auction site), a couple of rear tires, exhaust silencer, brake pads, some bulbs, fibre-glass to patch the leg shields, duct tape for seat repairs, and surprisingly little oil or fuel.
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  10. Thripster

    Thripster Elite Member

    Feb 21, 2020
    Northampton, UK
    That last sentence sounds potentially very sad.....,.hope it doesn't mean what I think it might have meant Stram?
  11. dilligaf

    dilligaf Guest

    Kawasaki GT750:cool:
    I’ve had two of them :)
    Thought they were pretty good :)
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  12. Stramasher

    Stramasher Senior Member

    Jun 10, 2020
    Sorry Thripster, should have been more clear! Missus recovered! The 400Bindit not.
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  13. Thripster

    Thripster Elite Member

    Feb 21, 2020
    Northampton, UK
  14. Angus Barclay

    Angus Barclay New Member

    Aug 3, 2020
    New Zealand
    Each to his own, I guess. For me, the Kawasaki compared poorly against a couple of shaft drive Yamaha I previously owned. The Kawasaki just had no character or soul in comparison. At least it looked more classically like a bike, but looks weren't enough for me.
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  15. dilligaf

    dilligaf Guest

    They weren’t great bikes admittedly :confused:
    And I have to be honest I got both of them for a good deal each even getting one from a breakers yard to put back on the road :cool:
    I was a good bit younger at the time and couldn’t afford the latest stuff :weary_face:
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  16. Shaun64

    Shaun64 Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2020
    I’ve had some right laughs when I was younger on cheap bikes that I suppose could be described as abit boring but get a mate on the back and take them up the local woods and I’ve had some great times on shit bikes,I was given a stolen recovered Suzuki gt250 during the miners strike from a mate which I put a nobbly on the back and used it to pull logs back for fire wood what a laugh that was,After the 250 learner law was changed you could get 250s for next to nothing I remember swapping an air rifle for an Suzuki x7 250,me and a mate bought two Honda cg125s which are dull but went everywhere on them having a great time.
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  17. Stramasher

    Stramasher Senior Member

    Jun 10, 2020
    I agree, I have never been on a boring bike...just the wrong road. Or as above, actual road.
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  18. Hubaxe

    Hubaxe Good moaning! aka Mr Wordsalad :)

    Mar 25, 2020
    Aix Les bains - French Alps
    Not really boring , but crap quality. Suzuki 750 GSXF, bought new, sold with a little 13 000 km. Carburetors issues, direction bearing dead, lost a mirror because of vibration... I loved the engine, but that was not enough to accept all quality issues.
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  19. Jet City

    Jet City Noble Member

    Sep 24, 2018
    Seattle, Washington USA
    #119 Jet City, Aug 12, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2020

    To me, this is a fascinating set of observations because, well, I thought it was just me.

    I had a 2001 R1. Such a beautiful motorcycle—not over the top stying and nothing wasted on it. I loved looking at it.

    But riding it, well, I always felt a little inadequate. It would rocket effortlessly up to 140 mph, wheelie with elan and even returned 50 mpg on the freeway. It was so good that I never felt like I pushed it hard ever.

    I imagined it in the garage wondering how in the world it got stuck with me, and when someone fast was going to come ride it. :grinning:

    Later on I had an RSV4 for awhile, which while even more competent than the R1 made you feel special every time out even if you were just bimbling down to the store.
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  20. MartyWilson

    MartyWilson Guest

    The thing about bikes like the R1 is that, if you are really pushing them to their design limits on the roads then you are operating in the 'death zone' because things that scare the pants off you at thirty miles an hour on an old boneshaker are being done at speeds where you are essentially a soft and squishy missile. I quite like a bike that is terrifying and let's you know you are alive even before you start it up. Keeps you honest and really is a challenge just to nip down to the shops on :) Up to it's top speed I can actually throw my 790 Bonnie around with more confidence that I can my 955i Sprint. I just seem to have more 'feel' for the machine and am totally in my element in the saddle.

    Sure the Sprint can rocket off up the road with my eyes getting squashed back in their sockets but I don't get the same sense of what's going on where the rubber meets the road.
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