I spent a fair amount of time trying to find a good British expression to put on my 2003 Bonneville T100. Lets post those uniquely British vanity plates! TON UP was taken here in Nevada(Vegas) so I came up with a few that were available such as PUNTER, BUGGAH(Bugger was taken),BAGSY, BARMY, SHAGGR, and 2 SHAG. But I finally went with...
Nice. I just ordered a Union Jack sticker for my helmet. I think they are making us virtual expats, Eli.
Those god damned limeys stole my heart with my '75 MGB, '74 TR-6 and eventually Mini Cooper S convertible...I still carry emotional scars from dealing with Lucas and Stromberg. It was inevitable that I'd end up with a Brit Bike!
Wow! Had no idea. Here it was $40 for the first year and then $20 every year after until I retire it then I get to keep it for my wall collection.
Late 60s/early 70s that was available as a poster. Had one on my wall at college along with its mate 'puke', whilst a mate had 'oink' which featured a walrus if memory serves.
Never really bothered about private plates but I've got two at the moment and keep meaning to sell them but can't be arsed
In the 80s there was 66 0K YA (660 KYA) and BEN50N (BEN 50N) regularly to be seen in and around Harrogate. If memory serves, the first one was on a Jag and the second one was on a BMW. Harrogate was far too posh for a Pontefract lad like me!! I escaped without too much damage being done to me!
Got one on the s4 monster which is S40 DUC And one on the speed triple which is T111 SPD Not worth the hassle of selling for less than a monkey each so I suppose I'll keep them
Yeah mate the monster would have been better as S4 DUC being an S4 model but it's close although a limited market Would really like a grand for the T111 SPD but I am as greedy as a pig
I seen a KS regular plate that was ### FUK, those numbers could be fun if you got the right ones or even close. I got ### MUG.
SODOFF is perfect I have a regular plate, but as I brought the bike a week before Queens Birthday weekend B4QEB was fitting
Best UK plate I have ever seen was on an SL Merc back in the 80s driven by a good-looking blonde: 505 EXY = SO SEXY Was an'all! DS
Also in the 80's I saw a Rolls Royce parked outside Harrods. CLA 55. Bit ostentatious if you ask me, probably new money...