Corona Virus

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Old phart phred, Mar 8, 2020.

  1. MartyWilson

    MartyWilson Guest

    Hah! You want to see the spray patterns of a fellow taking what you folks on the other side of the pond refer to as a 'Whizz'. I recall a TV series many years ago where a chap called John Harvey-Jones went into failing businesses, including Norton and MZ to try and give them advice and assistance to avoid going down the tubes. One of the companies was a manufacturer of 'Porcelain sanitary ware' called Armitage Shanks and he was trying to persuade them to go down the route of all singing, all dancing toilets (doesn't that create a lovely mental image?) in the Japanese style and there were black and white photographic studies of 'male splashback' shown which really did make you think!
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  2. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
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  3. JtC

    JtC Elite Member

    Apr 20, 2020
    New Mexico
    No wonder I get this thread mixed up with the “this made me laugh” thread.
    • Funny Funny x 5
  4. Dartplayer

    Dartplayer Crème de la Crème

    Aug 8, 2018
    New Zealand
    I hope it’s blood your sending in, not your old fella :worried::eek::p @Red Thunder
    • Funny Funny x 7
  5. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    Gotta laugh sometimes through a frickin' pandemic or I'd just cry, JtC. :joy: :sob:
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  6. Thripster

    Thripster Elite Member

    Feb 21, 2020
    Northampton, UK
    The BBC is currently bleating about the number of 'excess deaths'; we will not know for a year (or two) what the true excess death rate is as the effect of the virus is to bring forward deaths of those that were likely to die soon anyway.

    Just keep in mind the ratio of deaths to population; circa 50,000 to 70M....(in the UK)..that helps keep it in perspective. Practise safe distancing, wash your hands, drink loads, ignore the politicized scare mongering and you will likely be fine.
    • Like Like x 3
  7. Steve 998cc

    Steve 998cc Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2019
    This scare mongering keeps me amused for 10 minutes when I watch the news every day. We now put 50p in a pot who gets closest to the new scare of the day takes the pot.
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  8. Thripster

    Thripster Elite Member

    Feb 21, 2020
    Northampton, UK
    Agree Steve. The BBC is now so obviously putting a negative spin on, not only Corona Virus but all stories it has become wholly discredited. Another branch of the Fabian Society.
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  9. Tallpaul

    Tallpaul Noble Member

    Apr 7, 2019
    This, together with shafting the over 75s for a licence fee again, is the sound of a dying entity.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. garethr

    garethr Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
    Interactive map of UK cases. Zoom and click to see the data for your area.

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) positive cases by Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) in England
    Latest time period
    : Week 30 (Monday 20 July to Sunday 26 July). Data will be updated weekly on a Thursday.
    Source: Public Health England Second Generation Surveillance System (SGSS).
    Data extraction: Data includes lab confirmed positive cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) reported by 29th July with specimen dates between 20th July to 26th July 2020. Cases from pillar 1 and pillar 2 of the Government's testing programme are included.
    Suppression: Numbers from 0 to 2 (inclusive) are suppressed.
    Further information: For full details regarding lab confirmed cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19), see the "About the data" section of the Coronavirus data dashboard:

    It's a pity we can't see the areas with 1 or 2 cases.
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  11. mpllineman

    mpllineman First Class Member

    Feb 12, 2018
    It would appear that,we in the good old USA, have taken the stance that the sooner every last person here is infected, the better. If you live, you live, if not, well it's been nice to have known you. That is the way it looks to me! Just my opinion!

    Meanwhile, American Flat Track has resumed racing and Lucas Oil Pro Motocross season will kick off Aug. 15. I guess life goes on, for some!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Thripster

    Thripster Elite Member

    Feb 21, 2020
    Northampton, UK

    Yes, you could argue that. At some point in the future, each and every one of us is going to come into contact with the virus. The point of social distancing etc is to manage the size of the infection hump at any one time so that the hospital services stand a chance of treating those infected successfully. From what I can see, the biggest problem are the mono-cellists who arrange to meet together (either because they are young and believe it will not touch them....look at the statue tipplers or because of religious righteousness reasons). They then cheerfully spread their new viral load to their/other people's elderly relatives and blame everybody else but themselves. Have a look at the newly imposed lock down towns in the UK......notice anything about the population mix? There is your answer.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  13. Adrian Braithwaite

    Adrian Braithwaite Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2018
    I am in no way racist but whilst sat in traffic this morning I watched and counted 28 men of mixed ages all in sparking white clothing coming out of a small inner terrace house in a West Yorkshire town which is not, as yet, on the lockdown list. They were obviously celebrating Eid but as someone has already pointed out they must think that the virus does not apply to them.
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  14. Thripster

    Thripster Elite Member

    Feb 21, 2020
    Northampton, UK
    And I respect your views SmiliJack
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  15. garethr

    garethr Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
    The infection hump, in the sense of the number of people in hospital, is almost non-existent.
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  16. Thripster

    Thripster Elite Member

    Feb 21, 2020
    Northampton, UK
    #1736 Thripster, Jul 31, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2020
    @garethr You are right.........but nobody knew what to expect at the beginning of the outbreak. The powers that be had a difficult decision to make regarding when to impose a lock down. Too early and lock down fatigue would set in before it had had a chance to reduce infection rates........too late and the hump would have grown too large. In hindsight, in a muddled way, (ignoring the tragedy for those affected) I think it has been managed pretty well.

    Just as an aside, my wife (who, until furloughed) worked in the local hospital was sent an antibody test kit whilst we were away in Yorkshire. She took the test upon our return and it indicated that she had had the virus. We suspected this to be the case as first myself and then her had symptoms in mid March. We isolated ourselves but then the lock down further restricted our contact with others. This may be a false positive - but given the symptoms we both had, I doubt it. We may find, once more of the population takes this test, that a high proportion of us have already come into contact with it and either had minor symptoms or have been asymptomatic. I doubt we are still infectious but would advise you stay at least two metres from your screens if reading this.
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  17. garethr

    garethr Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
    Aren't numbers interesting?

    For the week ending on the 10th of July, 366 deaths mentioned COVID-19, and 917 mentioned Influenza and Pneumonia (without COVID-19) on the death certificate.

    For the week ending on the 17th of July, the numbers were 295 COVID-19 and 879 influenza and pneumonia, but you have to download a spreadsheet in order to see the details.

    I guess we'll all be looking at 'flu rather differently in the future.

    Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, week ending 10 July 2020
  18. Red Thunder

    Red Thunder Crème de la Crème

    Dec 2, 2014
    High Wycombe
    I am an absolute wuss, I had the pack layed out on the table, cleaned my finger with the alcohol wipe, opened the prick thingy and froze....I couldn't bloody prick my finger!!!
    My wife is looking at me with disbelief even my youngest was saying "just do it"
    But I couldn't push the prick device thing to my finger

    I've had needles in my gum for tooth removal, I've smashed my finger so hard when working on my bike I was able to pull a shard of bone through the skin and then use a sewing needle to release the pooling blood under the nail
    But after 30 min of daring myself to prick my finger I couldn't do it... absolutely barmy and I am so angry and disappointed with myself

    But then I realised it was because I wasn't in control of the needle, I didn't know how much pressure would be needed before the spring releases that miniscule needle to jab my flesh, I would be willing to get a carving knife and slice my finger to get the blood needed or just jab the point of the deboning knife into my palm, hell I could probable drag a blade a cross my palm and fill a vile...but because I wasn't in control of when that spring would release that needle it didn't happen...

    I would be useless if I had diabetes or had to do a blood prick test for any other medical reason

    There is a spare prick thingy in the pack so will try again tomorrow before I work myself up and start over thinking it

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  19. MartyWilson

    MartyWilson Guest

    Do you need to use their device or can you not just stick yourself with a needle or scalpel to get the blood? I have had those devices take my blood several times (home blood typing test kit (I'm O negative) and my wife being a diabetic is always wanting to 'test' my blood sugar levels although I swear she just likes inflicting pain. There ain't nothing to them, can you not bite the bullet, look away, and get the missus to stick you with it?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  20. Red Thunder

    Red Thunder Crème de la Crème

    Dec 2, 2014
    High Wycombe
    Yeah I will just get the wife to do it, I know there is nothing to it and she would enjoy the moment
    • Funny Funny x 4
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