Hello, I'm new here. Really excited as I am at the beginning stage of doing up a late 1962 tiger cub. Where do you guys get spares from? I am in need of a condenser for the lucas 15D1 distributor. I have checked google and ebay but to no avail. In theory there is one on ebay but it doesn't look the same and lucas numbers are not adding up to match the 15d1 distributor. Any help pointing me in the direction of a parts supplier you've found to be helpful will be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Ed.
Hi Ed and welcome in I don't know if either of these suppliers will be of any help... https://www.lucasignition.com/product-category/distributor-parts/condensers/ https://www.rexs-speedshop.com/shop/?s=condenser
Thanks for all the help!! I will have another search around tomorrow, got a new set of points, battery and a spark plug ordered today, so if i can get the new condenser I should be well on the way to firing this bike up, for the first time in 20 years! Can't seem to upload a pic right now. My internet can be problematic. I'll try to get one on here soon! Many thanks, Ed.
Thanks for all the help!! I will have another search around tomorrow, got a new set of points, battery and a spark plug ordered today, so if i can get the new condenser I should be well on the way to firing this bike up, for the first time in 20 years! Can't seem to upload a pic right now. My internet can be problematic. I'll try to get one on here soon! Many thanks, Ed.
That's a very kind offer, but I wouldn't want to put you out, and besides you might need it for your bike! I recon there just all out of stock, perhaps there's been a coid PANIC buy on early tiger cub condensers hahaha! I'll have to wait! The condensers and points seem to be readily available for the september 63 models onwards with the points in the casing, but the type I have on top of the casing seem to be all out of stock! Unless the condenser fits both models but on later models it seems to have an additional electrical connection.
You can also get Mike Estall's book (highly recommended) on Amazon as a kindle version for £16 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Triumph-Tiger-Cub-Bible-ebook/dp/B0094HPLWM
Hi Ed, Welcome. Definitely do keep us updated when you get it running (My Cub's a plunger, '55) There seems to be some good chat on Facebook which might be helpful for you. https://www.facebook.com/groups/107754143346/