Featured 765 Wow What A Bike...!

Discussion in 'Street Triple' started by MattGaydon, Jan 23, 2020.

  1. Eldon

    Eldon Elite Member

    Nov 14, 2018
    North Yorkshire
    #61 Eldon, Jun 9, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
    Well I just love the 765 as it does everything I need and not knocking the Speed but not sure it could add anything without detracting something in other ways.

    In stark contrast to the ride out (blast) above, the following day I went out with the crashed riders Father (Eric). We actually went where I was intending going the day before.
    Now this was going to be a steady plod as he was on his Velocette Mac 350. I took my youngest son on the back of the 765.
    At the meeting point it was typical British bikes..... toolkit out!
    Apparently he'd adjusted the clutch too tight the week before and it was slipping...... the setting is pure guess work with a broken screwdriver shoved through the front sprocket whilst rotating the back wheel, umm!

    (just messing with picture size)

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  2. Eldon

    Eldon Elite Member

    Nov 14, 2018
    North Yorkshire
    #62 Eldon, Jun 9, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
    Climbing one hill near Castle Howard I noted I was pulling 5th gear at 28 mph two up with no issue whatsoever. The motor is very tractable and willing to accelerate even under those conditions.
    The fuel economy on the A64 prior to this was indicated as in the 70s at a steady 55mph :)
    We proceeded to the crash site of the day before as I had chocolates and a card for the Farmers wife. On a blazing hot day she initially offered Andrew and myself a tea and coffee. Not only was this greatly appreciated but she then came out a further twice whilst we awaited the recovery and transport home to offer refills :heart_eyes:
    What a star she was!

    Onwards we trundled through the lanes at a very relaxed pace. Eric had come with me for a reason and not just a ride out, he was going to provide me with the benefit of his old British bike knowledge, something I clearly lacked (too young see :joy:).
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  3. Eldon

    Eldon Elite Member

    Nov 14, 2018
    North Yorkshire
    Upon arrival the old gent came wandering out with a tray of teas :p.
    A quick chin wag and my little lad emptied his rucksack. Ham salad sandwiches, crisps and chocolate chip brioche buns for all... yum.

    First bike out for viewing;

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  4. Eldon

    Eldon Elite Member

    Nov 14, 2018
    North Yorkshire
    In true traditional manner, would it start, would it chuff :joy:

    Talks of taking plugs out and buggering about ensued but I said it smells flooded to me so lets just drink tea ;)
    Tea did the trick and it fired up :) with that sweet side valve rattle and sounded a beauty.
    In comparison to the 765 it was worlds apart although both attractive in their own way. These were no Brembo brakes and appeared on their limit just pushing it on the slope out of the shed o_O.

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  5. Bad Billy

    Bad Billy Baddest Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    Southern Softyville
    Oh my! not good :worried:
    Only just seen this Eldon, glad your mate was not injured too badly, I fear the bike will be terminal though :(
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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  6. Eldon

    Eldon Elite Member

    Nov 14, 2018
    North Yorkshire
    #66 Eldon, Jun 9, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
    Then the discussion moved on to the jewel in the crown, his other Triumph.
    Now this one had been built up from a million bits sourced over many miles and, rightly so, he was very proud of what he'd achieved;

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  7. Bad Billy

    Bad Billy Baddest Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    Southern Softyville
    Hey Joe, make sure you sort that tyre out, don't want you joining in the falling off silliness! :eek:

    If you ever want tyres, I got loads of used road legal race tyres, plenty of tread just the sides worn coz we're never upright! :p
  8. Eldon

    Eldon Elite Member

    Nov 14, 2018
    North Yorkshire
    Here's a sneaky picture of three generations of Triumph ;):p:joy::joy::joy:

    Eric couldn't, didn't want to :joy:, believe I'd managed to hide his Velocette to avoid spoiling the picture!!!

    (Look carefully and you can just see the front tyre above the Triumph one).

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  9. Eldon

    Eldon Elite Member

    Nov 14, 2018
    North Yorkshire
    #69 Eldon, Jun 9, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
    Anyways we made our farewells and a decision was made for Whitby FnC.
    It was a wonderful day for pottering through the lanes with the Velocette setting the pace.
    Yes the 765 comes alive after 8000 but the engine is a whole lot more than that. Playing with the gears and watching the clocks made for some interesting observations.
    Around 2000 rpm in 5th or 6th, can't recall exactly, but you are now pushing it and the limit of tractability is reached. Transmission judder is evident but raise the revs to 2500+ and all is good.

    3000 rpm is a nice area for sedate country lane plodding and a far cry from some other days out :rolleyes: when exiting corners with the front wheel pawing the air whilst the traction control fights the current wheelie and making swift progress :imp:....... both nice in their own way but worlds apart.

    Triumph 765- yes, Wow what a bike!
    A great versatile tool for so many days out.
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  10. Hippo-Drones

    Hippo-Drones Noble Member

    Mar 4, 2018
    West Sussex
    upgraded headlights AND engine, poss 180bhp!
  11. Mysta

    Mysta New Member

    Jun 6, 2020
    Yeah may go ahead and try and preorder one, I just bought a bike and almost walked out with the 765 but if I can hold off till early next year I wouldn't hate myself as much.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. cinnabull

    cinnabull Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
    Here and There
    Unless you are a track god then 180hp is way overkill on any bike for the road I think. Prior to my current 765RS I had a BMW S1000RR and that was mental fast. It was the Sport version meaning it had all the electronic gizmos to make going VERY fast VERY easy. I much prefer the 'sedate' riding on the RS any day. Its plenty quick enough for any road in the UK, and is far more capable than I ever will be. Its just so much fun to ride, comfy, nice riding position for us elders, stops and handles as well as most will need, and gets to well illegal speeds very easily, its simply a superb all round bike.

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  13. Mysta

    Mysta New Member

    Jun 6, 2020
    I agree, to me it's getting to that happy place where accelerating to speed limit is fun, and 765 is great for that. There's just a few aesthetic things I like about speed more and as a taller guy i like the weight and size of speed more. I'm the type that can control throttle no problem.
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  14. Warren71

    Warren71 Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2019
    #74 Warren71, Jun 19, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2020
    thats good to hear on the mid range. went for a ride on a speed twin a few days ago, but not convinced that would be the right bike for me. Great on lazy days, but not sure it fits my style for long fast rides.

    Thinking back to why I traded an old street to the speed was a more smoother, more planted ride (especially for longer trips), better mid-range so that I didnt have to crank that throttle every time and ability to still have some good acceleration in the triple digitis .

    Sounds like the mid is closer at least.

    I think the larger bike helped the smooth out and give a more planted ride, but has that improved in the recent years on the street triple?

    temped to retry that bike - Im sure is a very different bike than my old 2010 and I sure miss the feeling like the street triple was an extension of my brain - just telepathic. If the mid is better and the ride a bit more planted, I may have to back in that direction.

    though may wait till 2021 to see if they change that crap dash and and maybe add cc (though the speeds cc is not great - its at least functional).

    oddly, as im debating the deal on a '19 twin, I started thinking "im getting used to the speed triple after a few thousnad - Its not too big. trackable enough, dont mind the forward cant as much as i did"

    anyway - any comment on comparing the midrange and ride quality would be appreciated. I know its a more flickable bike ... one of the things I miss
  15. tcbandituk


    Apr 8, 2016
    Can't comment on the ride quality properly yet as I haven't set the suspension up for me.
    From riding it on what guess is the std settings, it's a bit harsh over bumps, but even so it's nice and stable.
    I'm pretty sure I can get it how I like it, it just needs a little softening up.
    I do find it a bit buzzy at about 80-ish but that may settle down a bit as I run it in.......:)
  16. Rspete

    Rspete Elite Member

    Jun 17, 2018
    I'm sorry to hear about your mates spill, hope he's recovering and I'm really sorry for asking but would he be interested in selling those arrow cans and the comfy seat? Please don't hate me for asking.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. Lou160487

    Lou160487 Senior Member

    Jun 16, 2020
    Florida U.S.A
    They really are something. I'd end up in the hospital on the way to prison.
  18. Eldon

    Eldon Elite Member

    Nov 14, 2018
    North Yorkshire
    He's doing ok although with his Dad and I constantly taking the p155 he tries not to bring it up. The bikes mine now as I bought whats left and thinking of making it my track toy.
    What exhaust have you got fitted now?
    Might be interested in a px deal so I end up with a low can on one side. Likewise could do a deal on the seat as long as I end up with one to replace it.

    PM me with your thoughts?
  19. Old dumb arse

    Old dumb arse Noble Member

    Mar 28, 2020
    In 50 years of riding I have been in either. Upon reflection I don't think I have ever been stopped by the police while riding, got the "lights" warning many times but they never turned around. Love the 19 street triple in crystal white
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Hoffnungslos

    Hoffnungslos Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2018
    I have a 18 Street RS and it’s everything I’d want in a bike minus the wind blast. It looks the part, easy as hell to ride and opens up brilliantly, I just find myself not wanting to open it up as the wind is just too much.
    Got the ‘extended’ fly screen and that just pelts the wind directly to my head. Sat on a Daytona 675 and oh my!!
    Add on a set of Helibars for a closer version of the Street Triples wider grip and it’s the perfect bike for me.

    Converted, just winding down my pcp to pick one up on hp :)
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