Think Your Bikes Safely Tucked Away In the Garage?? Think Again!

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by Thruccyboy, Jan 20, 2016.

  1. Thruccyboy

    Thruccyboy Senior Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    Despite having very good security on my garage & house, I come across these guys....just check out the bit on their website called "wall of shame"
    It is serious food for thought for all of you who think that big is better???

    Sleep tight:(:(:(:(:(:(
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  2. Thruccyboy

    Thruccyboy Senior Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    Some of their videos make light of the 5 min attack test that certain chain & lock manufactures make tho....AAlmax do very well & seem un-cuttable with the largest of bolt cutters.
  3. Thruccyboy

    Thruccyboy Senior Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    Or maybe....trespassers will be shot..survivors will be shot again
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  4. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    And mine, I can't abide thieves.
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  5. Wee neil

    Wee neil Active Member

    Jun 14, 2015
    If we had less of this "you've had a hard life' shit we would all sleep easier and our hard earned toys would be safe.I like the term "reasonable force" as I am a little guy and "reasonable force" means hit until still then remove from premises,wait a few hours(especially in the colder months) then call the police
  6. Clarkey

    Clarkey Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2014
    I've got an Almax chain been using it for a few years
    But it still depend on what you tie the chain too !!!!
  7. Thruccyboy

    Thruccyboy Senior Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    I'm gonna get a 2.5 chain & lock so that I can go through the 60mm square tube underneath my hydraulic ramp & back through the wheels & frame.
    They won't be able to lift the bike & ramp as I give myself a hernia just trying to move the ramp on it's own. So if I come across 2 guys who can lift both then I wouldn't wanna take em on anyway!!!!!!!!!:eek:
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  8. steve lovatt

    steve lovatt Something else

    May 12, 2014
    North Yorkshire
    Always use a disc lock as a minimum but chain and padlock is obviously best as you can tether the bike to a fixed point - disadvantage? heavy and cumbersome to cart around. Luckily Winchester is a low crime area (for now) but you cannot be too careful. Left the Bonnie in a public car park on the South Downs a while ago and came back to find the Park Ranger parked next to it in his van. He told me thieves were targeting bikes in the car parks - so he had sat there fo 2- 3 hours keeping an eye on the bike. Top bloke!
  9. Thruccyboy

    Thruccyboy Senior Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    Yep....still some decent folk out there.... obviously most of them are on here!
    The trick is to attach it to something, if they want it, they are going to get it I think, but the more time they have to spend trying to get at it then the noisier they must become & the more chances they have of being found out.
    More bikes must be stolen in the open I guess than in a well secured garage....
    But, It is a good idea to create as little invitation as possible to these scum-bags. Washing your bike out of the front of your house just so you can show it off to your neighbours is a sure fire way of attracting the wrong kind of interest, that`s for sure. if you havnt got a garage or back garden then that`s makes life a bit more easier for the bad guy`s if you have to wash it out the front.
    You wouldnt believe how many people drive down my road during the day on the look for things to take...either with permission or without it. About a year ago, I took out an old bath with brass taps, being 5mm acrylic,I had cut in half first to make it easier to get downstairs. I put it at the top of my driveway as I had a skip coming later that day & that was that. I went out later in the day & some kind person had actually cut the brass taps off & left me with the 2 half`s of the bath!!! & nobody had seen a thing. More recently, I put an old telephone table at the top of my drive just to see if anyone wanted it before I broke it up, withing 10 minutes it had gone. People shouldnt think that because they live in a quiet street that nobody`s watching for the tell tale signs that you are in or out that`s for certain.

    Whilst sold secure & Thatcham are truly recognised it is worrying that their are so many different levels of the brands....& the unwary motorcyclists can buy what they think is a quality lock & chain set because its sold secure at a bargain price, only to find that it`s a low rating sold secure item & is next to useless at protecting their pride & joy. I;e, you could buy a sold secure chain that`s gold rated thinking it would be suitable for a motorcycle only to find out at your expense that it`s sold secure gold, but for a bicycle!!!!

    Insurance companies take the P*ss the most though....If they offered something decent in return for having top notch security on your machine then people would find it more palatable to spend £300 + on security items if they got a 25% discount on their insurance in return....For God`s sake, you can often get a 5% discount for belonging to MAG or some other club.
    Anyway, Ive run out of rambling now, so I`m off.
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  10. Thruccyboy

    Thruccyboy Senior Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    Well, Ive ordered my chain & lock from Almax....The guy just phoned me to see if what I had ordered was right for my situation...Nice guy & above all.....Good customer service or what!!!!! Either that or some scumbag has got hold of my number & now knows what security I have on my bike & how Iv`e fitted it :(:(:(:(:(:( OHHHHH CRAP!!!!
  11. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    Steady now TB it'll be alright :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  12. Thruccyboy

    Thruccyboy Senior Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    Guess so thebiglad......Tis true though...All that hard work & money trying to keep whats yours...well just aint fair, you should be able to leave your own property without some bum stealing it.
    Back in the 60`s my dad used to close the garage doors at night on his old Austin somerset & for security, he put half a house brick against the doors.....Not to stop stop the wind blowing them open & waking him up because of the banging noise they made....Ah...the good old days eh???
  13. Rooster

    Rooster Grumpy Member

    Sep 14, 2015
    Droitwich, Worcestershire
    Good post Tboy. Food for thought, I keep my bike in the garage with the alarm set, but that's it, no locks or chains. I do have a U lock for additional security for when I'm out and about but doubt it would survive that bolt cropper test.

    Boy those chains are expensive and heavy though.
  14. Thruccyboy

    Thruccyboy Senior Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    They do say you should spend 10-15% of your bikes value on security, but that's a monstrous amount to spend.
    I also looked at trackers too...for about 130 quid you can buy one that's only 3 wires to connect + movement alert by text if the bikes moved without the ignition on.
    But as I said in an earlier old farts rant....
    Everyone would be a winner if only insurance companies could see the benefits of good security on a bike for cheaper premiums in return. Come to that, the government could give people incentives to secure their bikes by subsidising security/lock/alarm manufacturers. Oh for a perfect world eh?
  15. Thruccyboy

    Thruccyboy Senior Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    Talking of locks.....which I've done all day now!.....if you have an up & over doors on your garage, not a roller type, you know the kind, then I recommend a lock called Enfield garage bolt/lock. About £30 each, one of them top & bottom & you've improved garage security immediately & relatively cheaply too;);)
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  16. Messyart

    Messyart Member

    Dec 6, 2015
    All I use is an alarmed disc lock.. I'd contemplated a ground anchor and chains to add to the challenge but when I first got my Triumph I'd not long since moved out into the countryside to a house with no garage.. My bedroom was right above where I parked and I slept with my window open.
    I figured the alarm would wake me and then some poor bastard would have a stark-bollock-naked 230lb chap leaping out of his window with a handful of his choice knife collection..
    Also the landlord wouldn't agree with the installation of a ground anchor.

    Now I'm back with the 'rents so I can use their garage..
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  17. Noel16

    Noel16 Member

    Jan 20, 2016
    Highbury, London
    I'm purchasing the almax next week as it seems the nuts and the best out their be it a bit pricey. I don't feel that secure with the set up I have. I looked up the thread plus I have heard of them recently. I hope it keeps the chavs & pikeys away from my machine..
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  18. crispey

    crispey crispey creme de la creme

    Nov 6, 2014
    Nice thread!! I've only gone away for 2 weeks and left my babys. I'm not sleeping easy now!!
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  19. Thruccyboy

    Thruccyboy Senior Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    Don't worry young crispey....I'll keep an I on them for you... I'm sitting outside your house right now... Looking at your security!!!:D:eek:
  20. Thruccyboy

    Thruccyboy Senior Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    I know its not security related....but what do you make of this????????
    A good motorcycling friend of mine thought his wife was having an affair, so he wrote to the Sun`s dear Deidre`s what he wrote.......
    Dear Deidre,
    I have never felt the need to write to a column such as yours before, but now I need your advice.

    About a month ago, my wife started staying out late most nights each week. When I queried her about who she was staying out late with, she replied "oh, just friends, you don`t know them" but I was very suspicious to say the least. I tried several times to see who was dropping her off, but never quite caught them in the act. The other night she came home, late as usual & I noticed that her top button of her blouse was undone & her panties were sticking out of her handbag.
    I was determined to see whoever it was dropping her off, so on Friday night when she again stayed out late, I spent many cold lonely hours in the garage waiting for her to be dropped off. Just after midnight, I heard a car engine slowing down & see it`s headlights stopping at the top of my driveway, but I couldn`t quite see who it was. As I leant over & crouched down to get a better look, I knocked over my new Triumph motorcycle cracking the side panel my question to you is this?...... Should I get the panel repaired or just order a new one? :D
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