Strange times we live in, four and a half weeks into total lockdown. People over 70 are supposed to stay home and recreational motorcycling is a banned activity for everyone. We may be moving from level four to level three next week. Level 3 is described as "level four but with fish and chips". Recreational motorcycling will still be banned. Sitting here unable to go anywhere, or spend anything, I've had the time and the spare cash to order in a range of single malts to further educate my self as to the subtleties of Scotland's finest. Bike is a '09 Speed Triple which I've had for approaching eight years. It's probably more bike than I need currently but I don't see many appealing alteratives. Hopefully someone somewhere will invent a successful vaccine soon and we can all go back to normal. Or something like normal. Stay safe.
Hi Ron and welcome to the forum from a fellow kiwi. Missing my ride too, it’s had two cleans and only 3 trips to work in last weeks
Thanks. Kiwi, there's four stars on the back of the hat. That's a Simon Crafar replica, it was on special ex USA where, unsurprisingly perhaps, the design wasn't selling like hot cakes.
Ah, yes, I see them now. Bet you get some bloody good rides out there eh? Not choc-a-block with traffic and speed cameras?
Ron Prichard. Welcome to the family. Do hit the upload a file button bottom right corner and show the inmates you steed. New Zealand. On my bucket list to do some day. Regards & Ride Safe. Joe.
Ok Joe, here 'tis. Picture isn't recent but it still looks like this, except I took the GPS and heated grips off. It came with a 3 into 1 system sans cat. The previous owner was a young married guy, his wife got pregnant for an unplanned third time. She said, "Two things: you're getting cut, and you're getting rid of that bike." I've added a few bits and pieces too.