2016 Bonneville Turn /flashers

Discussion in 'Bonneville' started by Cape Cod Carl, Mar 7, 2020.

  1. Cape Cod Carl

    Cape Cod Carl Member

    Mar 31, 2019
    Plymouth Ma
    Hello all , my flashers only work on one side-turn signals work on both- has anyone had this problem ? Is there a seperate relay ? Owners manual is of no help. Thanks
  2. Patchinko

    Patchinko Senior Member

    Feb 1, 2018
    S.W. Hants
    I'm not too sure what's happening here, when you say flashers do you mean like hazards, where all indicators (turn signals) flash at the same time?
    If so that might be a US thing, here in the UK I've never had a bike that had this function.
  3. Cape Cod Carl

    Cape Cod Carl Member

    Mar 31, 2019
    Plymouth Ma
    You are correct hazard lamps,all 4 signals are supposed to go on and flash when the hazard button on right side control is switched on . My signals work correct but just the left side only turns on with hazard switch.
  4. TEZ 217

    TEZ 217 Crème de la Crème

    Mar 6, 2016
    south shields
    I would imagine it has a separate flasher for each side regards hazard warning lights but cant confirm this, you need to try and find a wiring diagram for your particular model to confirm.
  5. Cape Cod Carl

    Cape Cod Carl Member

    Mar 31, 2019
    Plymouth Ma
  6. Cape Cod Carl

    Cape Cod Carl Member

    Mar 31, 2019
    Plymouth Ma
    Thanks , will try to dig that up somewhere.To bad they don,t click like the old days....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Retired Phil

    Retired Phil Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2017
    San Rafael
    Old school, there are no traditional flasher relays, its all done by the ECU. Have you tried the “I” button to change the flash mode?
  8. Cape Cod Carl

    Cape Cod Carl Member

    Mar 31, 2019
    Plymouth Ma
    Hi, ya got me on that . What the heck is the ''I'' button?
  9. Retired Phil

    Retired Phil Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2017
    San Rafael
    Your header said 2016 Bonny right. Still confused , are you saying your turn signals only work on one side or are you talking about your emergency flashers?
  10. TEZ 217

    TEZ 217 Crème de la Crème

    Mar 6, 2016
    south shields
    I believe its his emergency flashers !! (hazard warning lights) that are only flashing on one side .
  11. Retired Phil

    Retired Phil Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2017
    San Rafael
    Ok if the OP ever comes back and he has a newer Triumph- 2016 or newer, on the left side controls there is a button marked ‘I’. That will toggle thru, mpg,clock,and so on. If you want to change the flashing rate of signals and hazard ,say if you change to leds,this is where you do it. Here is a tutorial on how. Hope it helps. I switched to leds and it works perfectly
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  12. Cape Cod Carl

    Cape Cod Carl Member

    Mar 31, 2019
    Plymouth Ma
    That will be useful if I go to LEDs but turn signals are stock and work correctly,it is just the emergency flashers that do not work on the right side,left side flashes when switch is turned on .
  13. Retired Phil

    Retired Phil Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2017
    San Rafael
    Ok last try. Get some CRC electrical contact cleaner and lube. Spray with straw around/in the 4 way flasher button. Thats all,I’ve got.
  14. Cape Cod Carl

    Cape Cod Carl Member

    Mar 31, 2019
    Plymouth Ma
    Thanks,if I find the answer I''ll post it.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Cumbria Jim

    Cumbria Jim New Member

    Aug 23, 2023
    You should have a grey "i" button on LH handle bar. Ignition off, hold "i" button down, ignition on and wait until you see "type", release it should say " type 3" for LED flashers. On my Bobber, if I press again it shows Fault Codes (P0000 = no faults).

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