New Dog: Red

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by elevensies, Feb 23, 2020.

  1. Tiglet

    Tiglet Vintage Member

    Mar 28, 2016
    Bad news that mate.

    Dogs usually become destructive when they’re bored.

    How do they know you wouldn’t be giving he plenty of exercise therefore he won’t become bored and most probably sleep for a long time after the exercise.

    I just don’t understand these people.
    • Agree Agree x 8
  2. GPT100

    GPT100 Active Member

    Sep 13, 2016
    East Durham Coast
    Well done, he is a beauty.
  3. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Can they do that? Can you appeal the decision, if not I feel your pain mate....
  4. elevensies

    elevensies Noble Member

    Jun 11, 2019
    cheers guys,

    the irony is they were on sunday prepared to let me take him, as i had passed all the requirements, and had he not been booked at the vets today for a final check up, i wouldnt be saying all this.

    I truly suspect the woman who rang me, had already given word, i bet to her friend, that they could have him, then low and behold she comes to work this morning to find i had reserved him.

    Thats my bet, also why would they send 2, people to do a house insppection, they were lovely and the same ones i had met with Red at the sanctuary, who in their professional opinion,
    wernt experienced enough hahah, just feels very odd.

    And my last 2 dogs had 3 walks a day of around 6 miles in total, in all weathers,

    they were happy
    • Like Like x 10
  5. Foxy1

    Foxy1 Crème de la Crème

    Aug 31, 2018
    Shocking news, mate. Gutted for you. :mad:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. elevensies

    elevensies Noble Member

    Jun 11, 2019
    Thanks Dozers Dad, shame they are so far away, they wont do the home check because of this distance, they have some lovely dogs in :( id have all of them if i could,
    • Like Like x 4
  7. elevensies

    elevensies Noble Member

    Jun 11, 2019
    well well well,

    Quick update, phone call from the centre manage yesterday. can i be there for 4pm ? need to go through the issues you had, hmm ok says i. see you at 4

    Drive the 30 miles, meet up with the manager and she says theres been a mistake, and all is good......yess i can have him, hes seeing the vet again this week to make sure hes all good, and thats it.

    Fantastic news
    now i cant wait
    • Like Like x 11
  8. Tiglet

    Tiglet Vintage Member

    Mar 28, 2016
    Every cloud has a silver lining as they say.

    Pleased for you mate and Red :)
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  9. dilligaf

    dilligaf Guest

    Chuffed to bits for ya mate :cool:
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  10. Gladtobebackontwowheels

    Nov 23, 2019
    Dover. UK
    We have two rescue terrier size Hienz 57s. We both work which means that they do get left for several hours every work day. I'm self employed so can sometimes pop in to see them, but they are fine and happy. Obviously it's not a PERFECT situation but it is miles better than rehoming kennels! They get walked at least twice every day and often three times, are well looked after and loved. Whenever we've tried rehoming animals from the RSPCA they simply refused, preferring to keep the animals caged up for months on end.
    • Like Like x 5
  11. MadMrB

    MadMrB Elite Member

    Dec 24, 2018
    Northamptonshire, UK
    Excellent news! :) I hope you'll be posting loads of pictures of your new buddy Red.
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  12. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    Does that mean that you are going today Elevensies? I hope all goes smoothly for you both.
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  13. Adie P

    Adie P Crème de la Crème

    Jul 7, 2018
    A fantastic and fitting result, elevensies! It sounds like you made some sensible and suitably restrained representations which were actually taken in to consideration by someone with more than a dash of common sense at the Rescue Centre and that looks like it will secure a very suitable outcome for you and Red. Well done, indeed. :cool:
    • Like Like x 3
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  14. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Great news mate, other than her saying there has been a mistake did they offer any explaination?
    • Agree Agree x 3
  15. elevensies

    elevensies Noble Member

    Jun 11, 2019
    it was all a bit strange really, the woman was very nice and made her excuses that the person who did my assessments hadnt
    yeah kinda,
    more in the region of the inexperience of the people who initially saw me, then they both came to do the home check.
    Seems they failed to put any info on the paperwork explaining my work, and my times. Even though i explained at great detail to them.
    Then there was the issue of the phone call saying i could have him, where i tried to get am explanation, so to be all honest, it was just a cock up, no one to blame, no great issue, and now i have been told yes, you will make a good owner.
    I was so pleased i took the 70 mile round trip drive, and had a sensible face to face conversation, it makes it so much better than the phone call.

    2 more good news for today

    DIVORCE ABSOLUTE DAY yesssssss hahaha
    I now have the Red Honda SL350 (50yr old scrambler thread) runnnng sweet as a nut and riding up and down the yard...
    • Like Like x 9
  16. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    So have you got Red yet Elevensies ? Is he in your hands now ?
  17. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Good news all round mate......
  18. elevensies

    elevensies Noble Member

    Jun 11, 2019
    not got him yet, hes having to spend a bit more time in quarantine as he has palova virus (or something like that, basically the shits, but humans can get it) so they wont let him go until all clear......i see their point, and after all the messing iv had with him, but they said rather they pay the vet bill than me !! fair point, he was an abandon dog, and one which hasnt had a great start, but

    they let me take him out and about , so we went for 1 1/2 hours walk... god hes a nob head of the highest order, he hasnt a clue with most things, and its like hes fresh out a box, never seen a god so weary of everything...he is such a laugh tho, but hes still a pup, and still skin and bone. BUT

    powerful is an understatement

    here he is in a coat they gave him as hes too thin and didnt want him getting cold


    • Like Like x 12
  19. Tiglet

    Tiglet Vintage Member

    Mar 28, 2016
    Hopefully Red hasn’t got Parvo Virus (very bad shits)I’m surprised if he does have the disease that they’ve let him out as the disease is highly contagious.

    About 40 years ago I lost a Springer Spaniel 9 month old dog to that horrible disease.
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  20. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Love him, he looks lovely....
    • Agree Agree x 1
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