What a shit idea!! Today I rode down a narrow hill to a crossroad on a main Manchester road crossing it. It was one of those junctions where the other side is on a steep uphill and offset too with bad visibility. I had right of way at that point and proceeded but my bike coughed and stalled. Bollocks, (that was the first word in thought!!) I was stuck bang in the centre of the first lane of traffic and the f.......king CANbus thing kept teasing the starter and it left me angry, VERY ANGRY , so ANGRY IVE LOST THE WILL TO LIVE!! I'm sorry for that out burst but now I'm in tears................................
Well littleade and big lad....... Am gonna get mi f.....king side cutters and give that CANbus a bloody good vasectomy when it's looking the other way!! Either that or get a big hole cutter into the casing and ram a kickstart in!!
ok give in, what's a Canbus, is it catching or just a Huddersfield nasty disease..hang on, I've lost my smilies!! It is catching..
Twat! Heh heh CANbus is possibly described as unnecessary smart (phone) technology which is just not necessary. It picks up on all electrical activity and sticks it's heels in, why? Who bloody knows? Very little now can be changed eg wanna swop clocks? You've no chance but to only buy mega money accessories, wire some spots in? No to that too! So which dickhead invented it?
Your d*head I beleive was Robert BOSCH In the early 80's and was first put into BMW cars in the mid 80's. It's a different type of wiring for the electronics on the bike. Instead of every single item being connected via it's own copper wire and creating a spaghetti, it's all run off of a single pair with high-tech electronics differentiating the signal for your tail light vs. your ABS system. It, in theory, is less expensive and less fault prone. Where we all seem to have issue with it is when it comes to adding additional items on. You have to make sure that you're tapping in at precisely the right location for electrics, and providing the proper resistance with replacement bulbs/LEDs. So there you go!!
But Crispey, bikes are for fiddling with! It just ain't the same when youve had the opportunity taken away. We'll be onto weather sensors next where you walk into a garage to stride your bike and a pre- recorded deep voice responds with "it's raining now f....k off"coming from the bike!!
mmmmmm...I have something like that when I walk in kitchen and get oily bit out of the AGA, and there was I thinking it was my good lady..I'll turn phone off thanks
Oh I can see it even clearer now........ From the bike- "Due to health and safety there will be no trying to get to the edge of any tyres, nor any other shernaningans will take place, and if you think your going for the side cutters you've another thing coming!!" It won't be long now.......
Don't blame me I was only trying to answer a question! Anyway I'm already kitted out with a weather sensor!
Temperature and rain biggie, if it's blue or wet a voice in my head says" it's raining, You're not going out in this, you daft bugger !!"