To Screen Or Not To Screen

Discussion in 'Bonneville' started by Cupoftea, Aug 11, 2019.

  1. joe mc donald


    Dec 26, 2014
    slough / burnham
    Really is a personal thing. I like the small screens and do use them. Don't much care what others think its my bike I like them so happy as a bunny.
    Ride Safe
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  2. 45Brit2017

    45Brit2017 Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2017
    I originally fitted a Dart flyscreen to my 2013 T100. It looks good and does provide a noticeable benefit on main roads, but no real weather protection.

    Just recently I bought a Triumph King and Queen seat to replace the stock “ironing board” and the seller also had a Triumph Summer Screen which he wanted £55 for. I thought that was a bargain!

    It’s a bit early to say but I find them both to be worthwhile changes, so far. I’m not tall - 5’8” - and I find the screen puts the flow fairly high relative to my riding position.
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  3. SteveMcQueen

    SteveMcQueen New Member

    Aug 15, 2019
    I have both screens and the oem "summer" screen is shorter than the standard screen (which is equal, if not the same as the Dart screen. There is a marginal difference in performance so I use the standard screen in the winter as I don't like the looks of the touring screen, which to me looks a bit "heartbeat" or "Last of the Summer Wine-ish".

    Whether it's worth it or not is completely personal. If the seller included the oem bracket, I'd be happy... if not, I'd of pushed for a better price as it's pretty close to the new price. But if your happy then not an issue.

    I hear only good things about the K&Q seat so do please leave some feedback on that.

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  4. 45Brit2017

    45Brit2017 Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2017
    This is the type of screen I have bought, for £55 including all fittings and several additional fittings, it seemed a good buy. It’s a “proper” screen, significantly larger than the Dart flyscreen

    The K&Q seat feels very good, on my short acquaintance to date.
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  5. SteveMcQueen

    SteveMcQueen New Member

    Aug 15, 2019
    That's the touring screen, and that's also a great price for it, albeit not to my tastes, but highly practicable for winter riding.

    Below, hopefully... is my oem 'summer' screen.

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  6. 45Brit2017

    45Brit2017 Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2017
    People don’t seem to pay much attention to descriptions, that or the description has changed over time. I saw the screen while I was collecting the K&Q seat and we just did the deal, there and then.

    It seems a good screen. I’ve been meaning to have a screen on that bike for some time.
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  7. Jet City

    Jet City Noble Member

    Sep 24, 2018
    Seattle, Washington USA

    Are bunnies happy, tho? I mean as a general rule?
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  8. 45Brit2017

    45Brit2017 Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2017
    You’d think they ought to be, given their reputation..
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  9. 45Brit2017

    45Brit2017 Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2017
    Whatever that screen is called, I’ve been riding around for best part of three hours today and it’s a good piece of kit.
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  10. joe mc donald


    Dec 26, 2014
    slough / burnham
    Jet City
    This Bunny is any way. My bike my screen and a big and. I don't much care what others think of me and my bikes. I will do it my way. The others can have their say then hop of.
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  11. MTBskier

    MTBskier Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2019
    Las Vegas, NV
    Without, no question.
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  12. Tom Gillam

    Tom Gillam Guest

    ‘‘Tis a personal thing,I’ve got a screen for practicality not aesthetics.I like doing big mile tours in the summer and wouldn’t be without one,although the bike looks better without it.
    Apart from the wind blast,there’s also insect splat and fatigue avoidance,so sod the looks.
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  13. Cupoftea

    Cupoftea Noble Member

    Dec 16, 2018
    Must admit, the screen removed does show that in winter it would help a bit so I'm fitting it back on when I get over this flippin cold.
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  14. Notso

    Notso Senior Member

    Dec 17, 2018
    I had the small clear Triumph screen when I first got my Street Twin and was told it allowed 10mph more in comfort I think he said to 80mph. I ended up removing the screen, mainly because I realised that I hadn't told the insurance company about it (getting the brackets off was more of a faf than I expected). If anything for me I think it was more comfortable without the screen even on motorway, certainly didn't hit some kind of comfort barrier as implied when I bought the screen.
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  15. Dartplayer

    Dartplayer Crème de la Crème

    Aug 8, 2018
    New Zealand
    I like the small dart fly screens. :blush:Not intrusive, protection of the clocks from insects and stones, and after experimenting with the gap above the light I have no buffering and some movement of air above and around me.
    To keep classic I would use a clear one, but I love my smoked one. Great for storing gloves when you stop too. :cool:
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