
Discussion in 'Bonneville' started by flapinflares, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. flapinflares

    flapinflares Active Member

    Jan 12, 2013
    Just purchased a standard 2010 Bonneville. so purse strings pulled tight by the wife, I like a nice sound from a bike so until I buy TOR,s can I drill the shit out of the standard ones. when I had my Thunderbird sport I welded a large drill to a rod and drilled a hole through. what im asking is do I need to remap etc. cheers
  2. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    Hi FF, if you change for any exhaust that sounds more fruity than the std.one, it means it is more 'open' and therefore flowing more air.

    A good, cost-effective approach is to do the popular airbox mods to allow more airflow into the engine at the same time as a change in exhaust, then do the re-map to take account of all the changes at one go.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. stevethegoolie

    stevethegoolie Elite Member

    Oct 16, 2014
    East Riding of Yorkshire
    Have a look at www.squaredeals-ltd.co.uk as they do 'silencers' for Bonnies from £100 to £600:eek: for your pleasure and enjoyment! :D:D
    Norman Hyde seem expensive, and Sprint Manufacturing would appear not to do any at all, which seems surprising!
    Can't think of any other suppliers off the top of me head!
    • Like Like x 1
  4. flapinflares

    flapinflares Active Member

    Jan 12, 2013
    Thanks guys. if I don't re-map or change air box. can I just change zorsts? I put TOR,s on my thruxton in 2006 but that was a carb bike. im not after more bhp just for it to sound like a motorbike. This is my part ex, a RE clubmans so I will have plenty of power with new Bonnie

  5. Tigcraft

    Tigcraft Unheard of Member

    Mar 29, 2014
    Holmfirth West Yorkshire
    What was that clubmans like out of interest??
  6. flapinflares

    flapinflares Active Member

    Jan 12, 2013
    I liked the RE Clubman. It ticked a lot of boxes ... I like the café style and the sound was proper, an old bike with up to date brakes and electrics. easy starter and no oil drips. I wanted a bike with longer legs and smoother at 60-70 mph. I think it would make a great second bike in the garage. but needed the part ex dosh
  7. Tigcraft

    Tigcraft Unheard of Member

    Mar 29, 2014
    Holmfirth West Yorkshire
    Fair comment. Eric
  8. flapinflares

    flapinflares Active Member

    Jan 12, 2013
  9. flapinflares

    flapinflares Active Member

    Jan 12, 2013
    Checked out this , and added it to my bookmarks. I will let the dust settle after my bike purchase and get myself a pair of zorsts. Thanks Steve
  10. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    I've recently put a pair of these on my T100 and like the sound, the way the bike feels and the price. I bought mine directly from an Ebay seller for £73.

    As I write this I'm waiting for a delivery of a new rear inner tube, so even though I'm very happy about these pipes I can't go and ride - not that I'm frustrated or anything :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
    • Like Like x 1
  11. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    No Steve, of course you're not trying to wind me up - I believe you :rolleyes: You're not that sort of sarcastic, bitter and twisted individual that wallows in the pain of others.

    Like fuck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Apparently it'll be here by Friday. Bummer.
    • Like Like x 2
  12. flapinflares

    flapinflares Active Member

    Jan 12, 2013
    Have you had to re-map or do any thing or just fit zorsts?
  13. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    Hi FF, my bike was already re-mapped,as I've done a variety of mods on the airbox as well as VERY free-flowing exhausts before these latest ones.

    Might I make a suggestion? Once the new-bike-purchase-dust has settled and you start to think about modifying her motor, do a few mods at the same time then go for a Triumph Twin Power (TTP) re-map.

    The popular changes to give the bike better running are:
    1. Removal of the Air Injection (AI) system - this is part of the factory anti-pollution system and makes the bike run hot and blues the exhaust downpipes. Also can popping on over-run and throttle roughness. Costs peanuts to remove.

    2. Removal of the O² sensors - this is another part of the factory anti-pollution gubbins and definitely causes low throttle opening snatchiness. Cheap to remove.

    Mods 1 & 2 really should be done at the same time imo.

    3. Remove the air restrictions related to the airbox:
    A. the rubber snorkle -file it somewhere far, far away;
    B. Replace airfilter with DNA type;
    C. Remove airbox baffle plate

    These mods allow the engine to breath better,therefore more oxygen into the motor.

    4. Change the std. pipes for more open,better breathing versions.

    If these mods are all done at the same time, 1 new map from TTP will take care of the lot and the result will be a smoother running, more powerful, more torquey bike with better mpg.

    Also you would be wise to download a free program called TuneECU and go here to do some reading:

    Have fun :):):)
    • Like Like x 4
  14. Rmg916

    Rmg916 Member

    Jul 6, 2015
    Heanor, Derbyshire
    I'm liking what I'm reading Big Lad, mine pops and bangs a bit I'll have to have a closer look at the AI system removal, and the O2 sensors.
    Is there a link to a "how to" any where on here.
  15. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    If you do a Google search for "Bonneville AI removal" you'll find shitloads.
  16. steve lovatt

    steve lovatt Something else

    May 12, 2014
    North Yorkshire
    Yep, Biglad's right - your browser will be full!
  17. Rmg916

    Rmg916 Member

    Jul 6, 2015
    Heanor, Derbyshire
  18. crispey

    crispey crispey creme de la creme

    Nov 6, 2014
    Delboys garage AI removal bonneville youtube will be a good google
  19. Rmg916

    Rmg916 Member

    Jul 6, 2015
    Heanor, Derbyshire
    AI removal kit ordered from TTP, also gonna open up my air box to check what air filter is fitted and possible baffle removal.
    Then see if I need to order a Breathe air intake cover.
  20. Havit

    Havit Admin
    Staff Member Subscriber

    Jul 17, 2015
    Just out of interest. What's the postage like on ebay to France. It's a killer here in Ireland

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