T120 Engine Limiting

Discussion in 'Bonneville' started by pasher, Nov 13, 2016.

  1. pasher

    pasher Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2016
    Just once on today's ride, when accelerating hard overtaking a car, the engine revs limited at about 5000. The road was damp. Was perhaps the back wheel spinning slightly and the TC cutting in? Does the TC work like that?
  2. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    It works exactly like that, but very quickly. Normally the TC light will light up if the wheel is spinning.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. pasher

    pasher Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2016
    That's ok then. Thought it might be that.
  4. pasher

    pasher Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2016
    Just raising this issue again. Am waiting a reply from the dealer about it but seeing what you thing as well...

    I originally mentioned a couple of instances of engine revs being limited at about 4K when accelerating hard in 3rd or 4th gear on the new T120. We decided that as the road was damp it was maybe the traction control kicking in after detecting a bit of wheel spin.
    Well, on a 300 mile ride to Wales and back on Monday it happened on more than a few occasions, in hot and very dry conditions, when overtaking traffic, which is not a good time to lose engine power!! A couple of times I had to abandon the manouvre. Another time I held the throttle open and and after a few seconds of 'stuttering' revs did slowly pick up again and I was able to get past the traffic.
    What do you think? Has it happened to anyone here? Might this be a common (and potentially dangerous) problem, or have I got a faulty bike?
  5. John T

    John T Senior Member

    Jun 4, 2015
    Newcastle upon Tyne
    Ive done nearly 6000 miles on my T120 and never had this happen

    Something not right....dodgy ECU perhaps..
  6. pasher

    pasher Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2016
    Thanks for the comments guys. Problem is that this problem is very intermittent so even when I take it back to the dealer chances are it won't happen for them.
    I emailed the dealer about it last Tuesday. Not heard anything back yet. Will try contacting Triumph direct.
  7. pasher

    pasher Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2016
    Dealer has been in touch. Bike booked in for a full diagnostic check and other testing a week on Wednesday. Will report the outcome.
  8. pasher

    pasher Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2016
    Update to this problem. The bike was at the dealers for a full diagnostic check and test rides etc. and as predicted, they couldn't see a problem and it never happened during their test rides. As I said above, it is a very intermittent problem.
    BUT - Whilst they were doing this for a couple of days I had the use of their 2017 Street Twin and guess what, just the once, it did exactly the same, the revs limited at about 4000 (a guess, no tacho on the Street Twin) whilst accelerating in third. This time I shut off then opened it up again and all was fine.
    I obviously reported this to the dealer and notes were made. Hopefully Hinckley will get to see them.
    So, if no one else has had this happen, I'm now wondering if its a glitch in the ECU software (same system on both bikes) somehow initiated by my riding style. Is that possible?
  9. pasher

    pasher Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2016
    Thanks @littleade but its definately not that. I alway look down when it happens and unless the tracktion control light is a momentary flicker (which the dealer says its not) I've never seen it flashing. Also, it has happened on hot dry days under not too fierce acceleration.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. pasher

    pasher Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2016
    If 4000rpm is a significant value within the ECU then yes, that bit of code might be a good place to start looking for this bug, should it ever get back to Triumph's software department!!
    Don't have a helmet cam. Have thought about getting one but not sure how useful it would be in providing data on this issue?
  11. Name

    Name Member

    May 23, 2019
    Omaha Nebraska
    I have had my traction control kick in during hard acceleration and it is a very brief light. The light only illuminates for the time that the traction control is engaged i.e. decreasing throttle. Have you considered turning the traction control off and seeing if it still does it? Not sure if this sounds scary, but my thought was that this is my first bike with traction control so why not go old school now and then. I turn it off when i want tti ride more aggressively‍♂️
  12. pasher

    pasher Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2016
    No - As I said above, it was always in 3rd/4th when acceleration hard to overtake. I eventially worked out that if I quickly shut off then opened up again it would accelerate ok, so definately a software glitch imo.

    Anyway, the bike is long gone now. Swapped it for a Thruxton R and then again for the new Street Twin. Neither of those had/have this issue (so far).
  13. Name

    Name Member

    May 23, 2019
    Omaha Nebraska
    Oh wow, this is my fault i just saw the date on the original post

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