Indicator Repeater Solution.

Discussion in 'Bonneville' started by Patchinko, Nov 30, 2018.

  1. Patchinko

    Patchinko Senior Member

    Feb 1, 2018
    S.W. Hants
    #1 Patchinko, Nov 30, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2018
    I replaced the idiot lights on my bonnie for led's a while ago. The indicator repeater failed earlier this year so I replaced it but a normal led will only work with the right hand indicator. This is because the circuit for the indicators works on a positive, (right hand indicators) negative ( left hand indicators) and earth type circuit. I should point out here that I'm no electrician, but the internet helped me out lots!

    + and - is not a problem for a normal incandescent light bulb as it works on both positive and negative charge, not so for led's. They only work on the positive (right hand) indicators.

    One solution is to fit a diode to the negative supply which corrects it to positive somehow.
    Another solution is to fit a bicolour led that has two anodes, one for positive one for negative, along with the earth cathode. These are normally used for polarity indicators but in the indicator circuit they conveniently flash green for positive, and red for negative. I now have a (very bright) handed indicator repeater so Im not only reminded the indicator is on, but which way I'm indicating.

    Turning to starboard

    Turning to port

    I don't know why this third picture is here and I can't edit it out ?.?
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  2. BykerBry

    BykerBry Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2017
    Reading, Berkshire
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  3. dilligaf

    dilligaf Guest

    :eek: I don’t use my indicators :eek:

    Let the feckers guess :p
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  4. Patchinko

    Patchinko Senior Member

    Feb 1, 2018
    S.W. Hants

    I had to replace the led anyway so the only hassle was locating the bi-colour led which I found on eBay. A rainy day in the garage with the radio on and a hot soldering iron was not to bad, but yeah, it's a fairly fiddly and time consuming job.

    I have an indicator buzzer on my comuter scooter, it's pretty embarrassing, I wouldn't want to make my triumph sound like a grannies moped every time I turn the indicators on. :scream::confused:
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  5. BykerBry

    BykerBry Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2017
    Reading, Berkshire

    You are right that it can be annoying but I would rather be annoying than leave my indicator on without knowing it. The ones I have fitted are quite clever in as much as you can set a delay so that the buzzer does not start for a while. This does mean you can be quiet when you need to be. I do find the bright blue LED is the best feature as you can not miss it in any light. Unlike the standard blinkers that you can hardly see in sunlight.
  6. Glyn Phillips

    Glyn Phillips Old’N’Slow

    Jun 21, 2018
    After turning whatever way I press the indicator button to cancel it!!! Simples.
    Saves shit loads of wiring and aggravation :)
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  7. Mischa Vladivostok

    Mischa Vladivostok Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2015
    Dublin, Ireland
    I like this solution. I still have the "idiot lights" (wonder that that makes of me), so I can just look at them and see which one is on. But if I were to switch to leds that I cannot see, this sounds like a nice solution.
  8. walob

    walob Member

    Sep 2, 2018
    Westcliff on Sea
    Just had my indicator bulb blow on my instrument panel on my America and want to replace all the bulbs with led’s. Any of you good ol boys give me a link on the idiot led lights? I’ve seen 1.7w and 5w bantered about through different sites, I’m just wondering what would work best? Thank you lads.
  9. Oldyam

    Oldyam Grumpy Old Git

    May 14, 2017
    Might be worth contacting this guy on ebay he does LED kits for most Triumphs, he also is a HEL agent and can do std & custom brake and clutch lines. He has several T300's as I remember.

    His shop is :-
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. Patchinko

    Patchinko Senior Member

    Feb 1, 2018
    S.W. Hants
    #10 Patchinko, Dec 12, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2018
    I got my bracket from a Guy in the US called Seth, (D9 brackets) his kit is legendary among American Bonnivile owners. Very good quality and reasonably priced. He is also very helpful and will provide wiring diagrams and advice. A top bloke.

    The bi-colour led I got on eBay, a couple of quid for 4, just search bi-colour led's. I still have 3, if you want one pm me your address and I'll post you one. The D9 kit comes with an orange led that has a diode to work with both left and right indicators.

    There is a fair bit of wiring/soldering work if you are replacing the standard idiot lights for all new led's. If I can do it most can.

    A link to some D9 stuff
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  11. walob

    walob Member

    Sep 2, 2018
    Westcliff on Sea
    Oldyam, thank you mate for that link, that bloke Mark from Lightenup is a right nice geezer! Just ordered some.
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  12. Maxb10

    Maxb10 Member

    Jun 6, 2020

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