Fuel Guage 2018 Speedmaster, Bobber, T120

Discussion in 'Bonneville' started by Beerman, Sep 17, 2018.

  1. Beerman

    Beerman Guest

    I'm finding it difficult to read the electronic fuel guage on the Speedmaster 2018. It's a 'miles left in tank' range reading, and even when full it rarely shows much above 120 miles (when I think there is 160 miles + in the tank). The mpg reader says that I am averaging 64mpg. The 12 litre tank, when you do the arithmetic (and assuming we're talking UK imperial gallons) at 64 mpg yields 168 miles in the tank - the reader is quite a long way off that.

    What it means is that when the 'guage' says I have 20 miles range left, I really don't know how accurate that is.

    I'd be interested to know if this is a widely held view on the accuracy of the guage - or not. I guess it's the same on the T120 and Bobber, at least.

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  2. dilligaf

    dilligaf Guest

    Same here mate :confused: but I don’t think I’ve ever had a bike with what I would call an accurate fuel gauge :confused:
    I do like the guage on NUDGER because it gives a good idea of range left :)
    I particularly like the way it recalculates the range left depending on how hard your working the engine eg hard accelerating and uphill and the range drops off :( easy cruising and downhill and the range increases :grinning:
    A good example of this is when I’m using my trailer full of camping gear and alcohol :yum
    After leaving the Spat out of Hull rally on Sunday I decided to fill up before heading home :) as I was waiting for traffic to clear so I could exit the garage I checked the range and it said 128miles:) as I accelerated through the gears to fourth I checked again and it had dropped to 93mile range :(
    Riding through Yorkshire countryside it fell as low as 72mile range :confused: this was using mainly third and fourth gear :)
    After joining the A19 dual carriageway and cruising at about 80mph mostly sixth gear it settled for quite some distance at mid 80s range :)
    When I got home it said I had 42miles left to go :)
    Helmsley where I filled up is about 65miles from where I live :) giving me and NUDGER a range of over 105miles pulling a trailer and riding quite hard :eek:
    I Reckon NUDGER is good for over 150miles per tank without the trailer but when the warning light comes on I’m looking for a garage regardless of what the range says :p
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  3. Dartplayer

    Dartplayer Crème de la Crème

    Aug 8, 2018
    New Zealand
    #3 Dartplayer, Sep 19, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2018
    Experience with my 2018 Speedmaster is that light has 3l left on 12l tank, so 1/4 left. Even with metric measures that should give 60km/35miles.
    I’ve been doing 210km with a bar left which would point to 240km/150miles. I think there may even be more based on quantity to fill on the stand not being 9l when light first comes on. Hope this helps
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  4. David Simpson

    David Simpson Member

    Feb 13, 2018
    Boston UK
    on my 2018 T120, the fuel gauge at full reads 190-200 miles, fuel light at about 140-150.
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  5. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Yep my speedmaster is about the same. Average mpg is at 66mpg on the computer (which I have not reset since new) and when I fill up it shows cicra 120 miles range. Reserve light normal comes on at around 100 to 110 with anything from 30 to 35 miles range left, so I reakon that if I ran the tank dry it would return circa 150 to 160 mpg.

    To be honest I don't think the guage is designed to be that acurate, only there to provide a guide on fuel levels and range to run out. Running around locally I don't monitor or worry about how much fuel I have on the bike. If I do travel further afield I usually plan my refueling based on 100 mile stops.
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  6. Dartplayer

    Dartplayer Crème de la Crème

    Aug 8, 2018
    New Zealand
    Fuel Capacity on T120 is slightly higher at 14.4 L / 3.8 US gal / 3.2 Imp gal
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  7. Burglar

    Burglar New Member

    Nov 26, 2018
    How you getting 64mpg when I'm @ consistantly at 46mpg. I go fast but not that much.
    Speakes to accuracy not to be trusted. Keep her topped off is all I can do.
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  8. Dartplayer

    Dartplayer Crème de la Crème

    Aug 8, 2018
    New Zealand
    Hi Burglar, Fuelly website has you about right for newer 1200, at 48.2 mpg

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  9. Burglar

    Burglar New Member

    Nov 26, 2018
    Regardless of actual mpg issue is accuracy of miles left to fill. To this I have only got down to 30 miles left.
    Probably need to run her dry to find out. If I do that I'll let you guys know.
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  10. Drummer

    Drummer Member

    Mar 4, 2016
    Sorry to be late contributing to this thread, but you must compare apples with apples. 64mpg quoted is per UK gallon which is 20% more than a US gallon. Your 46mpg to the US gallon equates to around 55+mpg in UK terms. Hope you feel happier.
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  11. BigCLM

    BigCLM Senior Member

    Nov 30, 2017
    San Rafael, CA
    I have a Street Twin and don't rely on the computer gage. (similar experience). I know my bike gets 65+ MPG as I normally ride so can go maybe 200 miles to 'empty'. To be safe I fill up at <150 miles. I fill up probably more often that I need to - but I have never run out of gas !!
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