I am Burma, living now in Yangon, Myanmar... I am a dane with a Triump Tiger 885i 1999 living in a country without Triump Spareparts. Last month I returned from the Delta. 50 km before home, I noticed gazoline pouring out of my machine..... Fuel connector (made of plastic!) broken... Luckily my dealer in Copenhagen was able to send me new connector and i spend 4 hours clearing out plastic from the thread before I could mount the new sparepart... I am happy to become member of the Triumph Forum as I foresee I will have to receive all the assistance I can possible get. My closest Triumph mechanic is located in Bangkok, one hour flight from Yangon.
Welcome to the forum! You should be able to get good information from the forum members when you need it.
Thank you All... Indeed a warm welcome.. Appreciated! When in Vietnam I ran this Russian URAL.. Only good for the city.. I am so much happier with my Tiger in Burma.. Like in Vietnam roads full of potholes and you need some sturdy suspension not to loose your kidneys on the roads