Featured What A Disappointment

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by Jerry Winder, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. Jerry Winder

    Jerry Winder Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
    Brecon Beacons
    It's with regret that yesterday I traded in my 10 month old Street Scrambler and decided that Triumph have had the last penny they'll get from me.

    The Scrambler had less than 2000 miles on it and was cossetted, much like a lot of bikes are, with an almost religious cleaning regime. It was kept in a warm and dry garage and rarely ridden over the winter, except on sunny days, kept happy connected upto its Optimate. About three weeks ago I took it to a local bike meet and noticed that the power was dropping occasionaly when cracking the throttle for overtakes so I booked it into the dealers to be checked out. After booking it in I gave it a once over and noticed that there was rust on the rear shock welds, rust on the rear wheel spokes and corrosion on the shock mounting bolts and head bolts.

    I called my dealer and told him that he needed to take a look and that they would all need to be replaced under warranty. So last Tuesday I took the bike down to my dealer where I had arranged to meet the dealer principal at 10:00am, (it's a 50 mile ride to my nearest dealer so I didn't really want to mess about when I got there), to talk about the corrosion and rust issues. I arrive and he's not there, buggered off out to the BMW dealers round the corner. So I'm talking to the service manager and he comes out and looks at the bike, his comment, unbelievably, "Yeah, they all do that". I told him that I couldn't give a shit if they all do it, Triumph would have to do something about it and it's unacceptable on a bike that's less than a year old and has done less than 2000 miles. He also mentions that the bike "missing" is probably down either dodgy HT caps or leads and that they'd had a few with this problem.

    About half an hour later the boss arrives and comes upto the cafe where I'm having a coffee. He asks me how I am and, due to his not being here when I arrived as arranged, and the attitude of the service manager, I tell him that I'd be a lot bloody happier if my bike wasn't rusting away before my eyes. Does he apologise for not being there when he'd arranged to meet me? No. Does he assuage my concerns about my near £10k bike rusting away quietly to itself? No. He gets pretty punchy and says that his primary concern is sorting the electrical problem. OK, I thought to myself, let's all take a step back and get this resolved, and off he trots to get the bike sorted.

    Now baring in mind the service manager had said that he thought the problem probably lay with either the HT leads or the HT caps, the four and a half hours I waited to be told the problem was exactly that seemed a little on the excessive side but hey, let's get on to sorting out the corrosion and rust issues. Back with the dealer principal and we're outside and I'm pointing out the rust to him. "Well", he say's, "I'll take a few pictures and send them to Triumph but they take their time getting back and they always put this sort of thing down to your cleaning regime". What? On fucking 10 month old bike? With less than 2000 miles on the clock? That's been cossetted to within an inch of it's naturals? That's been kept warm and dry throughout the winter in my garage? That's only seen rain when I've been caught out? I told him to get real and that I wanted Triumph to sort this out. Wanker.

    So around 7 hours after leaving home I get back home and start to think about this and realise that Triumph are just using poor quality metals that are badly coated and that any replacement, if they do actually decide that I have a case, is likely to do the same. So I check out what it's likely to cost me to sort this myself and I reckon I could get out for around the £600 mark, (replacement shocks and new spokes and nipples on both wheels). Buy why should I have to?

    Maybe I'm the problem. I'm coming from seven years of BMW's, on bikes that have been well ridden, (up until recently when deteriorating health became an issue I was an IAM national observer and I'd cover upto 20k miles a year in all weathers) and never missed a beat, (maybe I've been lucky) and fantastic customer service. The one and only time I had a problem, with laquer starting the flake off the beak on a GS after 18 months there was no question, the dealer immediately agreed to a replacement under warranty. So maybe I've been spoilt? But no, over the years, between us, me and the wife have had 6 other Triumphs and not one has given us a problem and we've always had great service from the guys at Carl Rosners in Surrey. A mate of mine, who's also ridden for many years, a year ago bought a Thruxton R, he had no end of issues but Triumph couldn't give a toss and in the end he done what I've done and decided to take the hit and cut his losses and move on.

    So after waffling on the bottom line is the Street Scrambler goes next Thursday, I've gone way off piste for me and bought a Yamaha XSR900. I've only owned one Yamaha in 41 years of riding, don't know why, I guess that since the LC they've just not grabbed my attention. When they were knocking out R1's I was riding Fireblades and when they bought out the Super Tenere I was riding GS's. So onwards and upwards.

    The really sad thing about it is that I really liked the way the little Street Scrambler made its power and the way it rode, I absolutely loved the Street Triple R that I was so keen on when I heard about it that I actually bought one of the press launch bikes, my old 955 Sprint ST that I thought was always a better bike than the VFR it was up against, I should know, I've owned both over the years. Triumph have made some great bikes sadly my Street Scrambler wasn't one of them and the attitiude of Triumph and this particular dealer have together ensured that it'll be a bloody long time before they see my money again. I see an awful lot of people complaining about the attitide of Triumph dealers and Triumph, let's just hope that they haven't forgotten the lesson they should have learned in the 70's when their complacent attitude and crap build quality allowed the Japanese to come and eat them alive!

    Ride safe everyone.
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  2. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Hi Jerry sorry to hear about your problems, enjoy your new bike and good luck for the future.
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  3. Yorkshireman

    Yorkshireman Crème de la Crème

    Dec 12, 2015
    A sad tale indeed and I wish you well with your replacement choice of bike. It’s a big pity that in this day and age Triumph can’t make a bike to the standards we expect in terms of the finish and it’s ability to shrug off the elements. You’d expect a bit of rust if it had been ridden in salty conditions and neglected but it hasn’t and to see the response from the principal is shocking. I was thinking about swapping my speed Triple in a couple of years for maybe a bonneville or Thruxton but the poor finish is putting me off.
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  4. Sprinter

    Sprinter Kinigit

    Aug 17, 2014
    I wonder if these corrosion issues are caused by manufacturing in such a humid country?
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  5. StrippleMont

    StrippleMont Senior Member

    Nov 5, 2016
    Round your way!
    Enjoy the XSR900, I've got a 2017 MT09 and it puts a smile on your face!
    As much as I like Triumphs (I've had 5), I wouldn't buy another new one.
    Shame about the ever decreasing quality standards, probably down to outsourced assembly and a change in climate gives the rust mites time to get a grip:rolleyes:
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  6. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    #6 thebiglad, Apr 24, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2018
    The problem I have with Triumph new models is one of a poor quality of finish associated with ever increasing prices; Triumph products are really rather expensive nowadays.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. 278streettracker

    Apr 21, 2018
    Blimey what a post. Will be picking my first triumph up next week. !!!!! However coming from the Ducati brand there are just as many horror stories in that camp as well, but much more expensive. Fingers crossed I get a good one.
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  8. Angus

    Angus Noble Member

    Mar 19, 2017
    South Africa
    Hey Jerry, truly sad that it had to get to this and totally unacceptable how it was handled.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Tiglet

    Tiglet Vintage Member

    Mar 28, 2016
    From what I’ve read that typifies some Triumph dealers.

    I think that since 2015/16 product quality of certain models has fallen below what is acceptable.

    It appears to be a lottery whether your new bike is manufactured to an acceptable standard.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. Callumity

    Callumity Elite Member

    Feb 25, 2017
    Nr Biggar
    I am not going to exonerate Triumph as it is something they need to get aboard. However, the underlying truth of the situation is that they operate both a manufacturing and assembly business. They make the frames and engines to which they bolt a whole host of other parts from a myriad of suppliers upon whose own quality assurance they too depend.

    If you look at most of the known problems from fragile Gill electrics to rusting wheels and shocks you wind up with a rogues gallery of external suppliers from around the World. Consumer durables have a shorter design life than we would like and retro styling that mixes differing materials like steel and chrome is a recipe for galvanic corrosion.
    The biggest problem and most common denominator is the quality of chrome plating on everything. The Italian rims on my UK built 2005 bike are none too clever either. I suspect a mix of time, cost and H&S regulation has corroded quality! The shine has also come off BMW build quality and reliability lately too.
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  11. Bad Billy

    Bad Billy Baddest Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    Southern Softyville
    Can't understand dealers indifference to customer complaints, I would have taken it to Triumph customer services, effectively the dealers attitude has now lost Triumph a customer (you) and probably put off a few more who read bad reviews on forums such as ours.
    I have owned a number of Triumphs since the mid 90's, I have had issues with a few of them that have (mostly) been sorted via the dealer I have used, Three Cross.
    I have owned other brands (no BMW or Honda) in between & would say that Triumph are no better or worse for customer service than the others, but the stand out for build quality for me was KTM.
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  12. Havit

    Havit Admin
    Staff Member Subscriber

    Jul 17, 2015
    #12 Havit, Apr 25, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
    The amount of second hand Triumphs i have seen with rust on the frames is unreal. I can see a number of customers being lost due to this, Quality Control is an issue. i remember seeing on here bad welding as well.

    Or was that DILLIGAF before his Eyes were Sorted :rolleyes::D:D
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  13. mpllineman

    mpllineman First Class Member

    Feb 12, 2018
    A sad state of affairs indeed. Reminds me of some Harley dealers a while back, when you were expected to enter on your knees! Thankfully, I don't have any business there now.
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  14. Beerman

    Beerman Guest

    This can only create problems further down the line for Triumph. As a new Triumph owner (Speedmaster 2018) the bike I have bought is not cheap - it's expensive, but it's a beautiful thing and, I hope, worth it. If it starts to show rust I will not think it's so beautiful, and my relationship with Triumph will have soured. I hope it doesn't - I'm spraying the bike with ACF 50 every 15 minutes and when it looks like rain - but Triumph really need to address this issue. It's common on other forums.

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  15. Col_C

    Col_C I can't re...Member

    Aug 5, 2015
    I've had nothing but Hinckley Triumphs (new) from 1994 through to 2013 with very few problems, those that did arise were sorted quickly without problem.
    2013 I bought a new Ducati Multistrada, a supposedly premium bike, which was nothing but trouble in the 2 years I kept it, so I returned to Triumph - a 94R Speed Triple. That has been faultless (bar the warped front discs replaced under warranty) and no signs of corrosion after 7,500 (all be it mostly dry) miles.
    So I feel your pain, just from a different perspective. We can only really influence the manufacturers and dealers by voting with our wallets, although I feel there is little to choose between any of the manufacturers (dealers - that's a different story).
    With respect to Triumph in particular I'm beginning to form the opinion that build quality has become model specific and may also be down to which factory/country of manufacture/assembly (Speed Triples are still assembled and largely manufactured at Hinckley AFAIK).
    Also "retro" styled bikes are going to be inherently more likely to suffer corrosion due to their "retro" material finishes - primarily chrome.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  16. Robert Castledine

    Robert Castledine New Member

    Mar 1, 2018
    Birmingham UK
    I know where your coming from with this one, as I to had a Street Scrambler from new and covered 4,500 miles on it and had corrosion problems where you had them also had HT caps gone, plus I had cold starting problems which was never resolved by Triumph although it went back 5 times and had the couldn't give a shit attitude with the cold starting issue AND WAS TOLD TO LEAVE IT 2 MINUTES TO WARM UP (WHAT THE FUCK). I even went to the CEO (Nick Bloor) but to no vain, now on a Street Triple 765 but power delivery isn't the same even my old RS Sprint 955i which has better power delivery and does more to the gallon. I to was frustrated and pissed off with Triumph and if the 765 goes west ill buy something a bit older that hasn't got any EURO restrictions on it. GET YOUR FINGER OUT TRIUMPH !!!!! Hear Norton are going to do a Street Scrambler 650 yeah.
  17. Bobbyblue

    Bobbyblue New Member

    May 29, 2017
    Birmingham U.K
    Sorry to hear of your problems, they say the test of a good bike and dealer is what happens when things go wrong, I have had my Thunderbird Storm for a year now and so far has no such issues, I have heard of other Bonnevilles with corrosion issues but always put it down to the unlucky one or two, if it becomes a more widespread problem Triumph should sit up and take notice, it takes only a short time to get a bad reputation but years and years to shake it off. Anyway best of luck with the Yamaha, I know someone who owns one, he absolutely loves it, it's a bit to small for me though being a lanky sod.
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  18. Pebowles

    Pebowles New Member

    Sep 28, 2017
    I've got a theory! They are trying so hard to make a "traditional Brit bike" that they want to imitate everything. They bought the Lucas name, and are planning to start making all the electrics in Swaziland. Gaskets too.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  19. mark scarrott

    mark scarrott Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2015
    I have had tow issues with my RX and both have been put right by Triumph out of warranty through Staffordshire Triumph so I am well impressed.

    Maybe its the dealership that needs sorting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  20. pippawilky

    pippawilky Member

    Jun 27, 2013
    #20 pippawilky, May 5, 2018
    Last edited: May 5, 2018
    I have a 2011 thruxton been in a wooden garage all it life in the UK never any problem with rust or corrosion and has coved 6000 miles stud for a full year started first touch of the button and has never missed a beat I must have gotten a good one the dealer have been second to non even did a second stage tune free of charge when I changed the pipes and send me emails on service info and when mot is due the dealer is Woburn triumph in Bedfordshire the Only downside is there px deals are not the best but you can always privately

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