Bonneville Exhaust/silencers

Discussion in 'Bonneville' started by TriBriBon, Jul 11, 2017.

  1. TriBriBon

    TriBriBon Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2017
  2. Rudeboy

    Rudeboy Senior Member

    May 2, 2017
  3. Johnjo

    Johnjo Senior Member

    May 29, 2017
    I want to get rid of the putt putt sound from my 2013 bonny se.

    Sorry I have tried a search as this subject must have been done to death. Couldn't find exactly what I wanted to know.

    This great offer for half price tor pipes is still available. I've read conflicting views as to whether it's a worthwhile upgrade or not. Some saying there's hardly any difference in noise level. I'm not really bothered about weight loss with an exhaust swop, but I do want to hear the pipes. So what's the verdict, any good or not.

    BTW, I'm not interested in a self bafflectomy. I remember the game I had decatting my tiger with drill bits. Never again.
  4. TriBriBon

    TriBriBon Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2017
    Hi JJ

    I took advantage of the offer ordering the TORS as they were so cheap.
    I bought them in case the unthinkable was to happen. Then a couple of days after World of Triumph dropped the price of The Arrow 2-1 system.
    TBH I sent the TORS back unopened and have yet to fit The Arrow system.

    To answer your question regarding the sound of the TORS, I had a pair fitted to another Bonnie I had about 6/7 years ago and they where much better sounding than the original silencers, although they did get on my bits a little on longer runs out.
    Another pita was re-jetting the carbs, and the removal of the asi unit before I could get the bugger to run without the associated popping and banging through the exhausts. Nothing difficult about doing it, but just a faff.
    At the time I fitted mine, no one could give you an idea of main jets to fit, but I do know the TORS from WoT come with the correct jets, so they say !!!
    I think I'm right in saying that the Arrows System with baffle fitted doesn't require the carbs re-jetting.
    Maybe it was just my luck.

    Ride safe.

  5. Johnjo

    Johnjo Senior Member

    May 29, 2017
    Hi TBB.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply.

    I had an online chat with a lady from Jack Lilleys. I was tempted by an arrow system 2 into 2 or the 2 into 1. They are all on at half price. In the end I've gone for the tor pipes so I can keep my centre stand. I'm hoping to be satisfied with the extra noise fron the tor pipes.

    If not I'll hang onto them for a bit and sell them on. The lady I corresponded with seemed to think all the reduced pipes will be discontinued by triumph when all stocks have gone.

    I hope to hear from someone with a tec tracker system. That's another system I liked the look of.

    My 2013 is an efi so I won't have to mess about rejetting. Not sure if the tor pipes need remapping. No major problem if they do. I still have a cable and tune ecu from my tiger days and should be able to sort it. Although truth be told I love the popping and banging on the over run. Great fun in a long tunnel. :p

    Ride safe yourself.

  6. Rudeboy

    Rudeboy Senior Member

    May 2, 2017
    Hi there all you might need to remove the AIS if it pops and bangs if not already done cheap kit off Evilbay or blank plugs and disable in tune ecu
  7. peter castleton

    peter castleton New Member

    Mar 12, 2017
    I fitted the TORs to my 2016 Bonneville Newchurch a couple of weeks ago. I love the sound, massive improvement, they do pop and bang a bit on the over run - which makes me grin from ear to ear, may block AI myself, may get a map when it goes in for a service but for now I love it as it is, definitely feels livelier and less strangled.
  8. Johnjo

    Johnjo Senior Member

    May 29, 2017
    That's great Peter. Exactly what I was hoping someone would say. Looking forward to getting the new pipes now. Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks Rudeboy. I'll Cross that bridge with the Ai when/if I have to. May come back to you for some more info on that if I need to if you don't mind.
  9. TriBriBon

    TriBriBon Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2017
    JJ, any update on the TOR's ?

    Ride safe.

  10. Johnjo

    Johnjo Senior Member

    May 29, 2017
    Not received them yet TBB.

    I phoned Lilleys Monday to see when I could expect delivery. They reckon sometime later this week. They use parcel force, who unfortunately don't make contact for delivery information like most other carriers. I suppose the first I'll know about it is a note on the mat telling me I missed a delivery.

    I'll get back to you when I've got them on the bike.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. TriBriBon

    TriBriBon Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2017
    Hi JJ,

    I ordered another pair of TOR's from WoT last week and was expecting delivery last Monday.
    I contacted them yesterday and was told there's been a run on then since the price was reduced, not surprising really, but they were due into them today and will be dispatched this afternoon for delivery tomorrow.
    I received an email late this afternoon with tracking details for delivery tomorrow.
    I only live a short distance from J.L's but only used them once which turned into a bit of a mare, so always used WoT since.

    Hope yours arrive soon.

  12. Johnjo

    Johnjo Senior Member

    May 29, 2017
    J.L's told me the same TBB. Heavy demand on the tor pipes. Yet when I ordered them last Thursday they said I could expect delivery the next Monday. Sorry to hear of your one and only experience with JL, hope mine's not the same.

    BTW, have you changed your mind about the arrow system, or are you going to try both systems before making a decision ?

  13. TriBriBon

    TriBriBon Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2017
    TBH, the Arrow system was to good a deal to pass up on given the saving JJ.
    I like the classic look of the standard bike so probably won't fit it lol.
    What amuses me are the prices some sellers are trying to sell both TOR's and Arrow Systems for on the bay since the price drop.
    Boy's and their toy's eh ?

    Ride safe.

  14. Johnjo

    Johnjo Senior Member

    May 29, 2017
    You're dead right there TBB, long may it continue. :)

    An update on mine. To my delight parcel received before 8am this morning. To my dismay they've sent the wrong pipes. The invoice had the correct part number I ordered but pipes for a different model in the package. Bugger.

    Looks like my JL transaction is turning into a mare as well. New pipes ordered and so it begins again. Lol.

  15. TriBriBon

    TriBriBon Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2017
    Hi JJ,
    What a bugger.
    Mine arrived today as promised, I feared the worse as the box looked as if it had been in a fight.
    I've checked them over and all seems ok.
    I fitted the new main jets this afternoon, and taken the down pipes off to start polishing tomorrow.
    I ordered a new polishing machine yesterday as mine has seen better days, then got an email late this afternoon to say the machine I ordered was out of stock until Monday :mad:
    Still I can make a start on them with my old one.

    Hope your pipes aren't too long arriving mate, btw, I know some one that's got a brand new 2-1 Arrow System if your interested ;) Only joking JJ.
    Right off to mow the grass before it gets dark.

    Ride safe.

  16. Johnjo

    Johnjo Senior Member

    May 29, 2017
    Hi TBB,

    I'm glad one of us is making progress. Lol. Sounds like you've had a very productive day. Youre taking it seriously, polishing your down tubes. I like the blueing on mine. Reminds me of the bikes from when i was a lad. Long time ago.

    I've had a great day out riding with a mate. Had hoped to be testing the new pipes when we planned the ride last week. Next time perhaps. Strangely enough my standard pipes seemed to have a bit of extra growl today. Probably down to me wearing a different helmet. Really looking forward to hearing the tors.

    Nice feeling having mown the lawns, knowing they don't need doing again for a few days. The simple things in life, eh.

    Take care JJ
  17. Valkman

    Valkman Member

    Apr 3, 2016
    Kings Lynn
    Thanks for the heads up. Just ordered a set of Reverse ConeTors for my 2014T100 SE (part number:A9600382)
    No one seems really sure whether or not it will need remapping, but I was told to leave the AI alone because removal will upset the ECU.
  18. peter castleton

    peter castleton New Member

    Mar 12, 2017
    Those are what I have just fitted, I have left the AI and it's on the original map. Pops and bangs on over run - which I like - and it's definitely freer revving. Love 'em!
  19. Johnjo

    Johnjo Senior Member

    May 29, 2017
    Well I finally put some different pipes on the old girl.

    Before my JL delivery eventually arrived I bought a set of togas Rudeboy put up for sale on here. Tor pipes sent back " no longer required ". Note to self, check on refund.

    Not able to test ride yet. Been hit hard by a nasty virus, lymes disease, slowly on the mend. :)

    Static garage test 100% successful. Sound gorgeous.

    • Like Like x 2
  20. TriBriBon

    TriBriBon Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2017
    Hi JJ,

    Sorry to hear you've been unwell, but glad to hear you're on the mend.

    Sounds as if all panned out ok with the exhausts finally.

    Keep taking the tablets mate ;)

    All the best


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