Trophy Stalling When Braking Hard(ish)

Discussion in 'Sprint & Trophy' started by Grumpyintheshed, Jul 2, 2017.

  1. Grumpyintheshed

    Jun 9, 2017
    Nr. Swansea, Wales.
    If I brake and cause the front to dive, as one comes to a stop and clutches in, the engine stalls.
    I can coast at any speed and pull the clutch in and it'll drop to idle no problem. But if I grab a handful of brake even at low speed turning around on the drive, it stalls. So its only when I 'dive'.
    Idle is about 1000rpm.
    any ideas?
  2. MickEng

    MickEng Noble Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    West Yorkshire
    This may be linked to your previous 'hot bollocks' problem, riding around with no petrol in your tank! lol. :p
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  3. Grumpyintheshed

    Jun 9, 2017
    Nr. Swansea, Wales.
    But I had cool parts today!
    Hot happened with just 1 gallon in tank, today i filled up.

    Its almost like theres a tilt switch.
  4. Grumpyintheshed

    Jun 9, 2017
    Nr. Swansea, Wales.
    Well I've upped the idle RPM up a touch (and balanced the carbs, though I don't think thats relevant to this issue) and still the same.
    The odd thing is it will cut out even if I push the bike and grab a handful on the drive, in neutral too. So i don't think its fuel starvation/ tank breathing issue, nor a dragging clutch issue.
    Looked for a tilt switch but I think its on the (newer) 1200's, can't find one on this, please enlighten me if I'm wrong.
    Battery terminals are tight and its strapped in properly.

    Any other suggestions are welcome. :confused:
  5. Oldyam

    Oldyam Grumpy Old Git

    May 14, 2017
    Does it still die if you pull the front brake gently ie enough to put on the brake light but not dive the front end ?
    If yes then suspect the load is pulling down the voltage and killing the spark.
    If no then something is disconnecting the power, I would check all the connections to the ecu and coils / ignition sensor.
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  6. Grumpyintheshed

    Jun 9, 2017
    Nr. Swansea, Wales.
    Cheers. No problems when braking gently, only on the dive. I've given the loom a quick wiggle and it was ok, but I think I shall investigate further today.
  7. MickEng

    MickEng Noble Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    West Yorkshire
    It's got to be something pulling on a cable or connection.
    You will just have to work your way through everything related to the brake electrics starting at the lever.
    • Like Like x 2
  8. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    First place I would check are the ECU connectors and the ECU itself - is it securely fastened down?
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  9. Grumpyintheshed

    Jun 9, 2017
    Nr. Swansea, Wales.
    Went out and collected 100 miles worth of assorted bugs today and have come to the conclusion that its fuel related and not electrical.
    Upping the idle to 12 or 1300 has made it a little less prevalent, and when it does die its a slow death not a sudden 'off'. I can of course ride sensibly and it doesn't happen, but I'd like to get it sorted.
    I also worked out I can make it die by sitting on the back of the bike whilst on its centre stand and bouncing so it rocks rapidly. The idle just gets lower and lower until it cuts out.
    Opened the fuel cap, to eliminate any potential air lock scenario, and tried it on Res, On and Prime. All the same.

    Possibly float height incorrect? Can the float height be affected by the dive/rocking?

    Suggestions on a postcard please.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. stollydriver

    stollydriver Elite Member

    Apr 25, 2015
    north wales
    I would still be looking electrical. Have you checked kill switch harness as some Suzuki suffer a connection issue. That would also activate when rocking the bike etc. Just a thought...
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  11. MickEng

    MickEng Noble Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    West Yorkshire
    Can you post a video of you bouncing up and down on the bike, that's got to be worth a watch. :p
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  12. stevethegoolie

    stevethegoolie Elite Member

    Oct 16, 2014
    East Riding of Yorkshire
    Is there any water in the bottom of the petrol tank? Can't help thinking that water is being picked up when the fuel is being swilled around, which at higher revs is not too important but at lower revs is effectively choking the engine.
    One winter I bought something called 'Fuel Dry' (or similar) from the local Motosave to put in the tank when the bike was laid up. Could have been made by Wynns or perhaps Comma - really not sure. It was supposed to absorb the water into the petrol somehow, thereby keeping rust at bay and the petrol fresher - summat like that anyway. Too technical for a simple lad such as I!:confused: Didn't have a problem when I awoke the bike from its slumbers though.
    The bike's ability to restart shortly afterwards may invalidate the above theory, but it does seem to be picking something up from somewhere - even if it is a dodgy electrical connection.:confused::confused:
    Could it be worth emptying the tank (with little petrol in it of course) and starting again from bone dry?

    Just thinking out loud really!
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  13. Grumpyintheshed

    Jun 9, 2017
    Nr. Swansea, Wales.
    I did try but my phone battery was flat :)

    I also had a good tug :p around all the loom and switchgear etc and not a moments misfire or fluctuation in rpm. Coil connections were checked, clamped and copper slipped while the tank was off the other day.

    Just had a thought! the previous owner said something about the vacuum part of the petcock not working. The hoses and connections were sound but maybe there could be an air leak in the petcock? I shall clamp the pipe off tomorrow and see if makes any difference.

    BTW Once it does stall, it starts immediately on the button, well two or three turns of the starter, same is if starting any other time.
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  14. stevethegoolie

    stevethegoolie Elite Member

    Oct 16, 2014
    East Riding of Yorkshire
    That's my theory bolloxed then - probably!:sob:
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  15. Grumpyintheshed

    Jun 9, 2017
    Nr. Swansea, Wales.
    Willing to try anything that may have a chance of working :)
    Witch doctors and wizards are welcome :grinning:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. Sprinter

    Sprinter Kinigit

    Aug 17, 2014
    I like the Tilt Switch idea
  17. Grumpyintheshed

    Jun 9, 2017
    Nr. Swansea, Wales.
    More than happy to check it if someone can tell me where it is :)
    '97 trophy 900
  18. MickEng

    MickEng Noble Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    West Yorkshire
    'I also had a good tug'
    Come on Grumpy concentrate on getting the problem fixed! :p
    • Funny Funny x 3
  19. Sprinter

    Sprinter Kinigit

    Aug 17, 2014
  20. Grumpyintheshed

    Jun 9, 2017
    Nr. Swansea, Wales.
    But mine has carbs and gravity fed fuel - no pump etc, so I think I may not have one? Happy to be proved wrong though.

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