From the Reading area and just bought a 2014 Speedy on Thursday. Been riding a GSX 1400 for the last 6 years, but had a knee replacement and can't bend it back as far now. Had a Legend and a Daytona 900 before so not new to Triumph. The Speedy has surprised me with it's handling and I love it already.
Hi and welcome. I had a knee replacment about 6 years ago. I broke my leg In a hit and run accident when i was 19 on my bike. Im 53 now so my old knee did well as one leg is slightly shorter. The bending is never the same but no pain is a bonus. Good luck with your speedy. And with the knee.
Welcome to the forum TB I believe there is a good 'knees up' going on at Kielder in July, check it out with Mr. O. On the forum.
Welcome Tbee. Nice bike you got there. My excuse for new bikes last year was sudden onset of inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis. Knee and hip replacements 'in my back pocket' for next time I need to change.